secret garden

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Its early afternoon, the birds are chirping and the plants are blooming with vibrant colors and I'm holding onto his hand as he leads me through the palace.

"Where are you taking me Tom?" I say as he walks us through the dewy grass, a basket in his other hand. I peer to see the forbidden forest in front of us and Tom is leading us right to it.

I try to slow him down but pulling my arm but this man is strong, "Tom, we can't go in there, it's forbidden for a reason." I mumble worryingly.

He finally looks back at me as he tugs onto my hand, "Trust me, there will be no dangers where I'm taking you."

I bite my lip hesitantly but let him continue dragging me along, and soon we're entering the forest and all the sounds of nature stop and only soft creaks and flutters of the tall trees surround us.

"This is a really bad idea Tom." I say as I peer around, he's still leading me deeper inside.

"Can you give me a chance to prove you wrong?" He smirks at me as we approach what seems to be a wall of bushes.

"Are you sure you're not going to murder me?" I ask him half jokingly.

"Not yet, at least." He jokes back, or at least I hope he's joking.

"Now what I want you to do is to push through these bushes." He points towards the said bushes.

"You're kidding me, right?" I look at him with disbelief covering my face.

"No." He lifts an eyebrow in challenge.

"Then you go first." I cross my arms, trying to prove a point.

"I would but I don't trust that something won't try to kill you once it sees that I'm gone." He gives me a pointed look.

"As if they're scared of you." I roll my eyes.

"I can be scary when I want to, darling. Now get through those bushes."

I sigh and grudgingly walk towards them, "I swear Tom, if one singular spider gets into my hair, I'm bring hells fire down on you." I give him a pointed stare as I look back at him.

"I believe you will." He smirks at me, amusement dressing his face.

I take a deep breath and start pushing through the bushes, the branches only slightly scratchy and the leaves a bit flappy.

I suddenly fall through and land on soft grass, greener than it was-

I look back, theres a stone wall behind me.

I nearly scream, where did the bushes go?

As I get up, suddenly Tom comes through the wall, I stare at him a frosted gaze.

He gives me a smile, I've been getting a lot of them lately, it's joyful.

"Look behind you, love." The smile is still etched on his face.

I furrow my eyebrows as I turn around, I gasp, "Woah." I gaze around, trying to take in as much I can, "It's... beautiful."

Its a field, an everlasting field, mountains are towering in the sky from a distance and flowers of all the kinds are everywhere.

The trees whisper into the soft wind, and I realize how the weather is a perfect temperature.

I watch Tom pick a poppy from the grass and come up to me, he tucks it into my hair gently.

Never have I seen this man so... loving.

"How did you find this place- what even is this place?" I ask him curiously.

"Its a secret garden, I stumbled across it an year ago."

"You just happened to go into some bushes?" I raise an eyebrow and smile.

"I can't explain it, there was something calling for me. I honestly thought I was going insane."

He steps into the grass and opens the basket, pulling a thick blanket from within before laying it on the ground.

"You planned us a picnic?"

"What did you think was in this basket?" He frowns.

"I don't know? Like murder weapons or something." I joke.

Tom sits elegantly onto the blanket, and gestures for me to come.

As I'm sitting down, plates of all kinds of my favorite food start floating from the basket and onto the blanket.

I grin and snatch a warm fry from the plate.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He almost whispers.

I stare up at him and beam, "I better be."

We eat, we drink butterbeer, we laugh and we kiss.

It's one of the best days of the year.

Once we finish the food, everything magically cleans up.

Tom's head is in my lap, he's staring up at me while I pick at flowers around us and tie them together slowly, makings flower crown.

"You make me want to ruin all of my plans." He says in a hushed tone.

I look down from the work in progress flower crown and into his eyes, "What kind of plans are those?"

"Sinister plans, plans that I don't want to get you involved in." He sighs.

He traces patterns onto my thigh, "I've never been more happier than I am with you."

"Niether have I." A pleased look covers my face as I finish the flower crown and start placing it on Tom's head.

He abruptly gets up, "I'm not wearing that." He says amused.

"For a biscuit?" I try to get the most pleading look into my eyes.

"No." A smirk lays gently on his face.

"5 pound?"


"10 pound?"


"Come on, 10 pounds are a lot, do you realize how much candy you can get with that?"

He only smiles at me amused.

"For a kiss?" I flutter my eyelashes sarcastically.

He lunges for the flower crown and places it on his head, only seconds before he grabs my face and crashes his lips into mine.

I gasp softly, and clutch on his soft hair, the petals of the flowers softly bump into my fingers, my arms are wrapped around his neck as he pulls me into his lap.

We pull away and I smile at the flower crown on his head, his curls embracing and surrounding it.

"I love you."

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now