blood and love

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I trailed my finger against the bloodstained wall, the rough texture bristling against my finger as I breathed in the smell of the warm red blood in the room.

I heard groans from the corner of the room, I glanced at the middle aged man sitting there in agony, his fingers trying to keep him from bleeding out but his blood just kept pouring out from between them.

I smirked at the sight, his face was tear streaked, blood dripping down from his lips. If it wasn't for my magic he would be dead in minutes but my magic was keeping him alive for now.

I stalked towards him, the sound of the heels on my combat shoes clicking on the floor, echoing through the room.

He looked terrified, his eyes wide in terror and pain, I bent toward him tilting my head slightly going over all the ways I could painfully end his life.

"P-please, I won't do it again..." He groaned out, spitting out blood in the process.

I rolled my eyes as the blood got onto the shiny black surface of my boots.

I took a crumbled tissue from my pocket and bent down to wipe of the droplets of red.

I stuffed it back into my pocket, while eyeing him, biting my lip.

"Did the other girls you killed beg you to spare them like you are to me right now" I asked him, the anger inside of me bubbling, threatening to boil over.

His eyes widened and blinked in surprise, "I-I'm-" He started to stutter, lost for words.

"I'll make you beg for death." I spat out at him.

I then kicked him hard in the nose with the back of my shoe then watched in satisfactory as he moaned in pain while blood dripped from his bruised nose.

I sighed then shook my head slowly, then laughed.

He looked up at me with terror and confusion, "I should cut off your dick and feed it to pigs with you watching." I muttered to him.

He shook his head desperately, "N-no- please- no-"

I lifted my black leather skirt slightly and grabbed a sharp knife from a my thigh holster.

I let the skirt fall back to it's original position then take in the sharp edge of the knife.

The man started shaking in horror, I smiled taking in the view.

Before I could do anything, I heard the heavy door creak open.

I turned to gaze at Tom walking in, amusement on his face.

"What in the world are you doing love?" He directed the question to me while smirking at the sight of the bloodied man sitting in the corner.

Just as I was about to speak, "P-please s-sir, s-she wants to ki-kill me." he groaned out.

My jaw clenched in anger because he disturbed me.

I walked towards him, forced his mouth open and carved his tongue out.

He screamed out in pain, when I finished I stood back and observed my work smiling.

"That's for disturbing me fucker." I innocently said.

I turned my gaze back to Tom who looked proud and impressed.

"I'm killing somebody who deserves to die." I explained.

Unlike Tom who liked to kill anyone really, I only killed monsters, rapists.

People who deserved to die.

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