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I was pacing in my dorm room, Tom told me about all his plans last week. I agreed to help him only because I loved him.

Or at least that's what I told myself.

Something inside of me also craved the power, the darkness.

It scared me, the thought of the things I could do.

He wanted me to meet his death eaters, I was nervous yet some tiny part of me was excited.

That tiny part of me wanted to prove she was worthy.

I bit my lip and sat down on the edge of my bed, I heard a firm knock on my door.

I looked up, my heart was beating fast. "Come in." I called out.

Tom came in looking as hot as ever, all my nervousness seemed to throw itself out of the window.

I stood up as he approached me; I gave him a quick peck on the lips and held his hand.

"Are you ready darling?" He asked me.

"Mhm," I hummed.

We walked out of my dorm and through the corridors.

"Where are we having the meeting?" I scrunched up my eyebrows in thought.

"You'll see." He spoke with an amused smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed because he wouldn't tell me.

We arrived on the seventh floor, Tom walked up to the brick wall, and suddenly it opened.

My eyes widened in shock and I could feel my jaw drop.

Tom turned and gave me a smirk, "Close your mouth before a fly flies in."

I snapped my jaw shut, and went to stand beside him.

He put his hand on my lower back, I felt shivers travel through my spine, and feel my cheeks flushing slightly.

We walked inside; there was a long, large table. The room was dull, the walls covered in marble which looked old and worn out.

The table was black with swirls going through it like marble, inside of one seat at the head of the table, there was two.

Tom led me to my seat, pulled out the seat for me and sat beside me and crossed out hands in front of him.

His face was emotionless, as if he had never felt joy. He was good at masking his face.

I could see Abraxas Malfoy, Rosier, Lestrange and a couple of other death eaters seated around the colorless table.

"I called this meeting for the girl sitting beside me."

"I know you've seen her around before, she is joining us. You will refer to her as the Dark lady." He spoke coldly to the room.

"Will she be getting the dark mark, my Lord?" Rosier spoke up.

My heart quicken its pace, I bit the inside of my cheek. Tom and I hadn't discussed this yet.

"Only when she is ready," Tom gave me a quick side glance, I almost missed it.

Malfoy looked almost angered, as if my presence wasn't worthy of his time.

"Do you have something to say Malfoy?" I said harshly, surprising myself.

"My Lord, isn't she too weak for us?" He ignored my question.

I clenched my jaw; he was getting on my nerves.

"Who are you, to fucking judge me?" I stood up and crossed my arms.

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now