rule the world with me

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I was twirling around with my eyes closed and my head raised to the ceiling, I stopped and opened my eyes to see Tom smiling at me. 

He pulled me close and we continued slow dancing, my head rested against his shoulder and his face in the crook of my neck,

and in that moment, I swear we were infinite.

I pulled back to gaze at his eyes, he also slightly pulled back. I leaned towards him resting my forehead against his, he smiled as he kept glancing at my lips. 

I nervously licked my lips, I closed my eyes as he crashed his lips onto mine, I gasped which he took the advantage of, and dove his tongue in my mouth and hungrily explored. 

It was passionate and hungry, rough and exciting, even better then how books portrayed it, I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and curled my fingers into his soft hair. 

Way too sooner then I would've liked he pulled back and twirled me once again, I laughed as I felt the air caress my cheeks. 

I fell into his chest, I breathed in his musky smell. 

"I love you so much, it hurts." He whispered into my ear, I looked up at him in surprise. 

"I love you more." I whispered back. 

"Impossible," he scoffed with a grin on his face while looking down at me.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm right." I fixed my posture in confidence.

"Okay-" He came closer to my ear once again, "-Would you kill for me?"

In shock, I stayed silent with my mouth gaped open. 

"Exactly, I would kill for you though, I would burn the whole world to the ground for you." He whispered seductively with a note of seriousness in his voice. 

I bit my lip, I lifted my hand to line his jaw. 

"I want you to rule the world with me." He breathed out. 

I blinked in surprise, some part of me liked the idea. 

"I like the idea, but if you said that to me weeks ago, I would hate it." I murmured more to myself in question of how I changed so quickly. 

He leaned in with a smirk on his face,

"As humans, we ruin everything we touch, including each other."

I gaped at him, realizing what he was saying was completely true. 


Authors Note: 

Sorrryyyyy for not writing yesterday, I decided to take a break from everything! But I'll be making up for it by trying to write a chapter for "wounds" my other book today, 

Take note of the word "trying" hehe.

Have a good day or night! <3


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