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I was walking along the edge of the forbidden forest, close enough to see its beauty, but far enough not to get caught in its horrors.

It was peaceful, the quietness, I could hear laughs of students far away and somehow it calmed me even more.

The long grass tickled my ankles, and dandelions sprinkled the edge of the forest.

It's crazy to think how something so dangerous can be so beautiful..
Actually never mind.

My mind raced to the thought of Tom.

I shook my head in the attempt to shake the thoughts off of my mind.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped and shook it off while turning to see who it was.

I turned to see Tom staring in me with half concern, half amusement, I held my racing heart and breathed out in relief.

"Tom, you scared me." I sighed.

He shrugs, "Why are you so close to the forbidden forest in the first place?"

"Don't go all prefect on me Riddle, I'm not in the the forest, merely at its edge." I shot him a glance.

"Just concerned about your safety is all." He responds.

I nod and turn back around, and continue on my walk. I can hear Tom coming up to my side.

"Why do you always walk over here."

"It's peaceful." I respond shortly.

"How is it peaceful with the knowledge of the monsters inside of it?" He raises and eyebrow.

I smile, because it reminds me of you idiot.

He waits for my answer and I decide not to.

I stop in my tracks and turn towards the forest, facing it and admiring the long trees.

"You're such a puzzle." I hear him murmur.

I turn to him with a smile on my face.

"Trying to figure me out?" I ask.

He nods, his eyes searching my face.

"Sometimes not telling people anything is a good thing."

Authors Note: I had NO IDEA, where I was going with this so I ended it abruptly, hope you like it either way.

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now