betrayed & trapped

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I clenched my hands together, gnawing at my inner cheek, I zoned out while Professor Dumbledore was talking to me.

He showed me what Tom would become in the future; he told me I had to stop it from happening.

He wanted me to kill him.

"Look I know this is hard for you, but this needs to happen." Professor Dumbledore spoke with pity dripping off his words.

"Would you kill to save lives?" He muttered softly.

I looked up, my eyes blurring, filling with unshed tears; I started shaking my head violently.

"No I can't, he might be dangerous to you but he's my safe." I spoke firmly.

Dumbledore sighed and rubbed his hands together, "Fine how about another plan?"

I said nothing but sent off a vibe to tell him to continue on.

"How about we just trap him, or just lock him up." He explained.

I frowned, "I- I don't know, that seems harsh."

"You saw what he's going to be in the future."

I sighed again, and plopped my head into my hands rubbing my temple.

"Fine," I muttered tears threatening to fall.

I felt Dumbledore get up, and then pat my shoulder before heading to grab something, he returned with a needle in his hand.

"You somehow put this into him, and when you do it, call me and I'll come and do the rest." He explained giving me the needle.

"You're not going to put him in Azkaban right?" I said concerned.

"No I'm not; I made a place just for him." He stated grimly.

I nodded and stood up, gently tucking the needle in my handbag.

"Thank you for your time." He smiled sympathetically at me.

I nodded at him again and made my way out, my heels clicked behind me echoing through the empty hallways.

I would have to do this tonight.


I checked myself in the mirror, I was wearing a simple shirt with sweat pants, and I checked my pockets for the needle and felt it there.

I took a deep breath; I brushed my fingers through my hair then turned and made my way to Tom's room.

We were supposed to have a movie night, which I convinced him to do with me a few days ago which also turned out to be the perfect opportunity to do this plan of Dumbledore's.

Once I made it to his door, I knocked at it with my signature knock.

I heard shuffling in the room before the door opened, Tom stood there with a grin on his face.

"Hey love," he pulled me into his chest and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Hi." I muttered softly giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Are you ready for the movies?" He asked letting me in his room.

I plopped myself onto his bed, curling against a fluffy blanket.

I hummed in response, "Come here." I gestured at him.

He rolled his eyes but obliged.

He took my hips in his hands and leaned in to kiss me, I returned the kiss passionately.

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now