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SONG: Fetish – Selena Gomez ft. Gucci Mane

SONG 2: Lovely – Billie Eillish – Khalid


I sat quietly on my bed staring endlessly at the plain white wall; my mind however was over flowing with confused thoughts.

He was a prefect, the top student, the teacher pet and the boy all the girls drooled over.

How could he be so evil? How could he be so dark on the inside, creeping with demons the sizes of tsunamis.

I bit my lip, he was lying the whole time, manipulating me; maybe that's why he was always distant.

Always hesitant to say 'I love you,' because secretly he was the meaning of evil on the inside.

The monster your parents would warn you about, the shadows you would see in the corners of your eyes.

I wrapped my arms around myself hugging myself, oh god I fell in love with a monster. He has killed innocent muggles, he killed Myrtle!

I overheard him talking to his followers, about it all in a deserted quiet corner.

I heard a soft knock on my door, I jumped scared from the sudden noise.

I stood up, shaken to my core and walked to the door, opening it slightly and peeking through to see Tom standing there smiling innocently at me.

For a moment I could pretend, he wasn't a monster, just a handsome normal boy; but that was only play pretend.

I shut the door quickly, locking it knowing he could open it with a spell if he wanted.

I closed my eyes, and furrowed my eyebrows. What would he do to me if he knew I knew about his plans?

"Darling? What's wrong?" I could hear his worried voice from the other side of the door; I could hear him placing his hand on the oak door.

"Nothing, I'm fine just go away please." I pleaded, praying that he would listen and just go.

"Open the door." He commanded.

I sighed, I should've known he wouldn't leave. I ran my fingers through my hair my eyes flickering over the objects in my room trying to find an escape plan.

The window would be perfect, if I wasn't on the 6th floor.

Yeah I'd rather not fall off a building and die, thank you.

My eyes landed on the bathroom door, I scurried into the bathroom and locked it.

Oh this was useless; he could still unlock this door if he wanted. Even if I knew the spell to make the lock not work on the spell 'Alohomora.' He could kick it down, it wasn't very strong.

I could hear the bedroom door being unlocked and Tom walking gracefully in.

I sat in the corner of the bathroom, and curled my arms around my legs.

Soon enough I felt the door handle rattle, then it being unlocked. It creaked open, Tom stood there with his eyebrows furrowed.

My heart was beating fast in my chest; it was like it was trying to jump out.

I swallowed nervously as Tom approached me then bent down to meet my eyes.

He reached out to hold my cheek in his hand, I flinched. He noticed and stopped halfway.

"What happened?" He whispered.

I shook my head refusing to speak. Tom clenched his jaw, he was frustrated.

"Talk to me dear." He sat down beside me.

I bit my lip; I loved it when he called me pet names, wait stop thinking that. He's a murderer.

I could feel a pressure in my head; I frowned and reached up to massage my temple trying to relieve the pain.

Ugh, a head ache to go along with finding out Tom's a murderer.

I felt Tom stiffen, and then stand up and pace around the room, the pressure in my head mysteriously disappeared.

Then I realized, I gaped in horror; my eyes were wide open and watching Tom pace around.

"You use Legilimency on me." I said looking up at him.

He stopped pacing, turned to face me with his face stone cold.

"How did you find out?" He asked harshly.

I looked down at my hands in my lap, biting my lip nervously.

"I overheard you talking to your followers or whatever." I whispered out, loud enough for him to hear.

"So you eavesdropped?" He stated bluntly.

I opened my mouth to protest, and then closed it realizing he was right.

"I either have to kill you or erase your memory." He crossed his arms, "Since I lo- like you too much to kill you, I have to-"

"No!" I shouted at him, his eyes lit up with something that looked dangerous.

I stood up and rushed towards the door, I felt his hand wrap around my arm and push me onto the wall.

I struggled beneath him, trying to escape to tell anybody, anybody who would listen.

I felt my cheeks getting damp; I went still, exhausted from the struggling.

I looked him into the eyes and silently pleaded with him to let me go.

"I'm sorry love, but I have to do this." He said as he raised his wand to my face.

"Please Tom, you don't have to, I won't tell anybody!" My voice rose hysterically as I watched the wand coming towards me.

"Even if you didn't and I let you go, you wouldn't love me the same." He spoke softly.

"You don't deserve my love." I spat at him.

"No I don't, because I'm incapable of love." He said, I didn't believe a word.

"I'm done begging for your love, you are capable of love you just don't believe it." I said harshly.

"If you do this to me, I'll hate you." I said coldly.

He smiled sadly, "I'll deserve it."

"Oblivate," he whispered. 

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now