In the Zone.o2

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The commotion Kim Li displayed, create an uproar out side as more and more people are trying to peek from outside the building.

"She's just a servant girl..! How dare her act as if she own the place"- one of the staff said

Li Cheng knew that she heard it and shivered as Kim Li features was relaxed but he can clearly see the glint look in her eyes.

"What is the commotion all about?!" - Old Man Xin shouted as he decent from the second floor

Kim Li faced her two company and coldly asked Gin.. "Is He the One?" Which the later just unconsciously nod

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you Old Man, I'm Kim Li... this humble girl have some complaints about Miss Xin Ye leisurely beating my younger sister Ven." - Kim Li

As she greet him head high with a visible smirk on her face..

"How impudent of you to say my daughters name so casually!"-Old Man Xin

"Pipe it down Old Man., I'm here to do some business would you like to work for me or work against me?"- Kim Li asked still have the smirk on her lips

"How daring of you! Your just a servant girl. Tell that runt sister to never comeback to serve my daughter., and just be a beggar on the streets!"- Old Man Xin

"Oh, that's your choice then., We'll take our leave and I'll see the entire Xin Family begging for me in a week"- Kim Li said giving a wink before she drag the two man out.

As the on lookers dispersed since they found out that her proposal is unbelievable.,

"Big sister Kim, what are we gonna do... with out sister Ven and My work we won't have any food on the table" -Gin said totally worried since it's already the time of the cold season

"Don't worry about that., I'll teach you guys how to do business my way., this sister will earn us Millions of silvers with in a week. And bring the Xin family down back to dust" - Kim Li said patting Gin's head

While Li Cheng watched from the sidelines amazed at her confidence.,

"Gin I want you to gather the merchants you know that usually trade with the Xin's, and are dissatisfied with the exchange of goods.., tell them if I can have a word with them., let's meet at that restaurant later before noon" -Kim Li

She said as she already knew what to do, since she already did her research last night secretly..,

She copied all solid evidence she needed and went back before they depart.

"Got it.,"- Gin as he left

"So what are you going to do?"-Li Cheng

"Just what I've said earlier., they dare touch the people I cared about, and sully my tittle.., of course I'm just giving them pay back in their own terms"-Kim Li

She said as she started walking towards the Government Building of this Capitol, since the empress was disappointed at their unjust service regarding the said industry.,

Once there she asked Li Cheng to wait outside while she talked to the one in power., which is an retired General that the previous emperor appointed..

He waited patiently as the reason that he might recognize the emperor and put their lives at jeopardy., since they both don't know if he's a friend or a foe.,

Once she's inside, she kept her innocent smile as she talked to the general.,

As the talked go on his face turned pale as She presented evidence after evidence of his misdeed, threatening him for a friendly trade., that she would keep quiet if he can give her the permit she needed.,

And from the start to finish Kim Li got what she wanted and walked out his office skipping a little... thinking a long the lines that she'll get back at that General once their back at the palace.

As the Empress she is obliged to clean this messy system., for the greater good of her people.,

Though the hard part of her job is the emperor's personal attachments., And that tried her a lot cause the weeds kept growing after trimming a bit as she can't clean it from the roots.,

When she went out with a cherry aura, Li Cheng seemed to be pleased thinking ' at least I'm not the one whose gonna deal with her flames'

"Guess you got what you came here for."- Li Cheng

"Yup.." Kim Li said popping the P

"Then let's head to the restaurant and wait for Gin there."- Li Cheng

She didn't answer back instead she started to skip her way towards the said restaurant.,

While her companion was a little bit weirded out by her actions, his also worried for his empress mental state.,

But he knew that she's in her Zone., he got a gut feeling that the empress he observed inside the palace walls has a deeper personally that her enemies might not like.,

I mean he's gut is telling him that she can kill a person easily., and his evidence was the stunt that she and her wolf did at camp and just called it playing dodge.,

Her intelligence and swordsmanship are excellent he knew that from the time he started to take interest on his empress after she demanded things from him and threatening him in the process.

He also knew that while she's in her Zone she'll accomplish anything in her mind., and her whole court yard is on of the example of her meticulous work.

And now his just praying that she'll show mercy to the Xin family.,

As Li Cheng doesn't have the heart to have severe punishment to his people, that's why his officials can almost do as they please., and he knew that.,

As he also blame himself to be a weak emperor.,

"Hey, you suddenly become quiet"- Kim Li

"It's nothing.." Li Cheng

"Come on and let's order the food., while we wait for them., Oh, and ask someone to get me a writing set"- Kim Li

He just nod and asked one of the waiters what she instructed.,

And it was a good thing that He his money pouch wasn't detached when the fell the cliff, or they won't have anything to pay for their food.

For once he realized how much of a head ache budgeting is, specially if the one your feeding is Kim Li.,

He contemplated in his mind as he looked at her in annoyance.,

He never thought about budgeting since the official is the one whose dealing with the finances., and when the reports  were turned over to her recently.,

and she started budgeting the finances of every department and she miraculously saved the treasury in the process for just a span of 3 days.,

Now he won't doubt her if she says the Xin Family is going to dust with in a week.

He thought as he look at what she ordered...

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