Tantrums .o3

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Li Cheng excuse themselves to rest and Red assist them to some  of their guest chamber., but the real reason behind their excuse was to deal with their empress little tantrum.

Once in the room fit for a king. Li Cheng stared at his empress as she kept her head low since her Father excuse them out of lord Tom's office.

"Care to tell me what is all about that earlier?"- Li Cheng asked as she kept quiet.

"Hey, if you don't want any heavier punishment better tell me" He threaten that made her flinch, As she knew that her father knows how to make that said punishment to the next level.

"So?"- Li Cheng

"Can we talk about it over tea and cheese? " -Kim Li asked that Li Cheng just nod and prepare to boil tea leaves

"You know, Your brother was really worried and upset when you went missing as he kept insisting to look for you even in his recovering state"-Li Cheng  stated as he pour the tea for  the both of them

"I'm sorry, as soon that I got  the report from my spy regarding the alliance that Jun Meng  received, since I got curious from whom it came from and got annoyed that I still can't figure  out why this dispute kept going on  for years and the paper work is annoyingly kept rising"-Kim Li explained

"I see. But ever think that I also need to know about that? Or even a little bit more detailed letter before running off?"-Li Cheng suggested sternly raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry. I'll keep that in mind"-Kim Li

"Now, what happened for last couple of days for our empress to act as an unruly child in front of Lord Tom barging in his study? are you trying  to disgrace our empire?"-Li Cheng

"It's not my intention. but their running test on me to find a link to their departed princess . So It's even"-Kim Li blurted not looking at Li Cheng in the eye.

And from what she said it caught Li Cheng's attention.

"They did some test on  you, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THAT YOUR A ROYAL?" - Li Cheng

"I know that.  but what's the big deal?"-Kim Li answered a little startled at  his outburst

"hyst.  they can use a Royal blood for sorcery or mainly manipulation of others."-Li Cheng

"Uh? So there's witchcraft here? Though I think it's not that logical to  believe in"-Kim Li deadpanned at the thought almost snorting.

"Don't laugh it off, they are real and some of them used it to damage people psychologically"- Li Cheng

"Maybe they  just know how to hypnotize, a trick of the mind "- Kim Li

"Whatever , though the Marquise will be the one giving your punishment."- Li Cheng said before heading out to bed. And left Kim Li stunned as chills run down her spine.

"Hey! I thought that we talk about it! Li Cheng.. Why is Father giving the punishment! He's gonna give  me  something that can kill me!"-Kim Li  Started freaking out

"Hey! Don't sleep yet! Come on!"- Kim Li

"If your that afraid of your punishment, you can either face it or negotiate with your father."- Li Cheng as he turn to find comfort in the foreign bed

"But I doubt that both the Marquis and general would let you off the hook easily like I did.," he mumbled but was heard by Kim Li's trained ears

"Li Cheng you gotta help me escape from them!" Kim Li started shedding tears out for fright .

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?? When have you become such a crybaby?"-Li Cheng

"You don't know how serious Father's punishments ARE!"-Kim Li who's clearly panicking as you can see her hands shake

"Hey. It'll be alright, I'll talk to them for a lighter punishment to give.."-Li Cheng stood up and went near her, he held her shaking hands

"No. you gave Father permission to choose what punishment I'll get. And he'll go overboard With it.! HIS A SADIST AT HEART LI CHENG!"- Kim Li

"Calm Down...God! what's happening with you?!" he shouted taking her in his embrace out of panic as he saw how her eyes lose focus and started to hyperventilate.

"Come on, have something to drink."-Li Cheng as he let her seat on the bed and got her a cup of water to drink.

"Hey, I'll be there when you face your father...Okay," he calmly said as she nod her head still have an unfocused gaze that worry Li Cheng that much.

That night both slept late, Li Cheng calming Kim Li while the later cried her eyes.,

And both woke up late in the morning. but what surprise Li Cheng the most was startled as he saw his empress is curled up in her sleep moaning in pain.

"SOMEONE!! GET A PHYSICIAN RIGHT AWAY! " He shouted, that made the one guarding outside to panic and head towards the infirmary asking some maid to report it to their lord,

Every soul in the palace was alerted for the worst possible cause of the situation. Since the Empress and Emperor are in their territory and might accuse them of harming the empress.

Every soldier prepared for battle just in case, and all their top notch medics head towards their guests bedchamber. As soon as they reach their chamber they all heard a cry of pain from the inside that give them chills for the possible out come.

Their head physician knocked on the door and made their presence known.

Li Cheng gave them permission to come in and check his empress as she kept her curled up position and is crying in pain in her half a sleep state.

"Cure her! Or all of you will lose your head"- Li Cheng ordered harshly that made the physician to kneel before touching the empress.

While the physician checks Kim Li's condition. Lord Tom hurriedly look for his Old friend Lam so he can help his grand daughter.

Only the two of them knew of the results of the test and like any grandfather, his also greatly concerned for his granddaughter's health.

While the Marquis head back to their camp to fetch Gou Shi as soon as he heard the news that his daughter is in pain.

Since none from the reports from the previous years stated that his daughter have suffered from some sort of illness.

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