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The prince picked three candidates as per his brother's instructions and of course Ven was one of them.,

After the embroidery trial, the next one is from concubine May Won an it is a flower arrangement, showing the ladies capabilities on how they'll live their life as a woman and as the crown princess.,

The prince didn't really understand the connection but non the less the three candidates still proceed.,

And by Dawn the result of the third trial is a draw.,

Because the ladies from the noble families have been thought how to arrange flowers in their childhood, letting the flowers speak for themselves., as each one of them have its own significant meanings.,

While with Ven she only chose the wild flowers that caught her eye and arrange them as per how her empress sister have taught her the basic., with a clear and straight forward intention.

Her arrangement scream of decent, fun and stable life.,

The empress and emperor didn't bother to show up as they are currently resting after being in that heated argument.,

While the prince didn't understand the program that Kim Li and the concubines prepared, that ended in a nonsensical trial.

The next day came and the crown princess candidates were all startled early in the morning by the empress little babies as Feng Yun are trying to bathe them the hard way.

"Oh! Come one you three! her highness will punish me for delaying your bath!!" Fen Yun shouted that the ladies was curious enough to actually come out of their chambers and look outside as of what is happening.

And there and then they saw 3 big wolves running havoc inside the crown princess candidates yard.

They pounced and wrestled themselves while Feng Yun is left dumbfounded at the scene.,

Their fair white coat of fur are now muddy since Feng Yun have already let those three dip in the pool before they decided to be naughty and run around till all three of them found the opened exit of the bath house that he forgot to locked tightly.

"The empress is going to be pissed cause of you guys" Feng Yun murmured and he run his finger through his hair

While the two candidates are hell bent scared to see the three big dogs in the yard...Ven walked up to him already dressed for today's trial and pat the said guard's shoulder.

As she knew that the three wolves are her sister's pet as what she heard from the guard, and it looked cute for their kind to play around as if their guard is down.

"Don't be too hard on yourself sir, if I remember her highness temperament correctly she'll probably nag those three and cut their treats in half." She said purposely loud for the three to hear

And that got the two adults to stop rough housing in the mud. While the little one just whine because she knew that dun is over and their mom would actually accurately do what the lady said.

The three decided to stop playing and walked towards Feng Yun and sat in front of him and if it's not for the evidence none would know what happened as they are now behaving as if nothing happen.

Ven stepped back behind Feng Yun as she saw that the three is going to their direction. But none the less she tried not to be too scared since she knew that they are her sister empress pets.

"Okay, now you guys wants to take a bath?" Feng Yun asked That made Yaz look at another direction for her answer while the other two just pant and staring at him for affirmation

But none of their knowledge that the empress and concubine Luvi Sheng went to fetch the candidates for their next trial which is financial accounting. Which is good for them to know how to handle financial house hold properly, and or being in a business connections through neighboring kingdoms.

"And Why are the four of you here?" Kim Li immediately asked as she saw that state her wolves are in

"We greet Your highness the empress" both ven and Feng Yun stated

" answering her highness, Yaz decided to open the door of the bath house that all of them run for it and some how we all ended up in the candidates temporary abode" Feng Yun answered

"Feng Yun how many times do I have to tell you to drop the formalities around me since you've been the one taking care of those three, and you three you better listen to Feng Yun and better get your asses cleaned before I'll do it myself" Kim li sternly said while the last part promised a heavier punishment if they decided other wise.

"You four better head back to my yard and bathe, Red will be arriving in the evening I want the three of them clean., and No don't you three dare jump in the pool with all that mud., do you understand?!" She said eyeing each one of the wolves before she headed out checking for the other two candidates if they are ready to go to the financial department for the next trial.

Kim Li felt good somehow as her mind isn't clouded anymore as she made peace with Li Cheng and felt at ease after.,

Yes she still worries about what he said, but she just think positively since she is his legal wife and she could see some changes going on with with regarding his treatment and temperament towards her, she let the matter go and tried not to think of her worries for the mean time.

They went to the financial office of the empire and what she saw made her blood boil first thing in the morning.

There she saw Li Cheng with the head of financial department and his daughter who 'accidentally' tripped and somehow landed on him catching  him off guard for both of them to fall.

"This is really a sight to see your majesty but could you please do that stuff in some more decent place like maybe in the bedroom?" Kim Li stated with a sweet smile

All the workers in that department stopped when they heard the tone that  the empress used. It's too sweet to the ear and to scary to imagine the aftermath of her wrath.

Jen Sho just ignored her and the rest of the people inside the office and decided to fake faint while still on top of the emperor

"Does she even know that her actions are punishable by death? Since she's not a concubine anymore and her father's status can't protect her for her continued misbehavior" Kim Li murmured that the rest of the lady heard

Concubine Luvi just stare at the bravery of the former concubine and felt that it's really annoying to have Jen Sho around.

And with her bold display of flirting is ticking her greatly.

"Can someone help concubine Qui's maid to the infirmary" Luvi ordered and glared that the pretentious lady in front of her as soon as the inappropriate display have been cleaned the fourth trial of financial accounting have started with a very difficult question the candidates took their time making their tally right.,

The goal is who ever got to be accurate enough to compute the miscalculation and misconduct of the account books of the empire for the past ten years when Li Cheng's grandfather's still on the throne.

Even so, at the end of this trials only one lady can be the wife of Jun Meng. And Kim Li is looking forward for the chaos that the princess will make for the the crown prince.

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