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Kim Li kept laughing at his face till they reach the bottom of the hill., while
Li Cheng kept glaring at her once they were at the foot of the hill..

"Stop with that kind of face and admit that it was fun already!"- Kim Li

As she threw a snow ball at his direction.. and landed at Li Cheng's shoulder blade

"Why are you so childish.."- Li Cheng

He said but also make a snowball and get even with her.

"Cause it's fun."-Kim Li

They kept at it till afternoon , for once Li Cheng experienced how to have fun,
till the servants delivered their food as they sit near at the camp fireplace.,

Currently waiting for General Rin to arrive and escort them to their base camp as they both chill near the fire place.

Dusk crept in and the General arrived with some of his men.,

"Your majesty, General Rin Li have arrived and the road we will be taking have already been marked"- Gou Shi reported

"Where is he right now?"- Kim Li

She asked excited as she's gonna see her brother again.

She might not be his real sister but, she felt the love of this world Kim Li's family.

That's why she decided to give everything ten times back of what she received.,

And the list goes on with the good and bad people She needed to get back at, and that's making her work a little annoying as she's dealing with 3 year old minded peasants.

"General is currently tending his horse he'll head at the main camp after"- Gou Shi

"Let's head there to receive your brother "-Li Cheng

"Yeah.."- Kim Li

An hour later Rin Li presented himself to the Royalties with all the reports in his hands.

"Rin Li, greets your majesty, the Sun of the Empire." he said with courtesy

"Brother! How's father? Is he alright? Are you alright? How's the rest of the soldiers?! HEY! answer me! "- Kim Li

she brushed all courtesy and rain all her questions and worries while shaking her brother

"You might want to calm down first Your highness"- Gou Shi

he said out of pity at the shaken General.

"Father is healthy, and the plague was minimized  with the medics effort and the additional help  that was sent. Thank you, Your Majesty"-Rin Li

He said after he recover from his sister shaking. While Kim Li cling at her brothers arm

"I'm glad that they made it in time."-Li  Cheng

"Oh, please don't act as if your the one who issue the order, When I'm the one who work all nighter with  the  stack of paper work!"- Kim Li

"Hey! Little Kim, you've  gotten bold these days. You might get us all kill you know"-Rin  Li

he whispered as he nudge his sister to behave

"Dearest brother, Don't mind my words...hehehe Who would even dare to cross this demure lady's borderline"-  Kim Li

She said as she act all demure and weak that gain an  annoyed glare from Li Cheng and a  sly smirk from Gou Shi.

"Little Kim you know, that look  doesn't suit you. right?"Rin Li

"Even your  brother knew better."-Li Cheng smugly said

"Oh !Shut It You! hmmmft"- Kim Li

After Rin Li reported they all hit the hay, and left early in the morning, both Li Cheng and Kim Li ride the same carriage.

but at the middle of their journey , some men ambushed them and they are out numbered with twenty enemy per their men..

"Now what?!"-Kim Li

"Shut up and hide"-Li Cheng

said as they both hid at the carriage compartment.

"Hey don't drag me around... I can help my brother out there"- Kim Li whispered but was just shut by Li Cheng's hand

They heard their enemies conversation and  for some reason  their looking for the empress.

"Why the hell are they looking for me?"-Kim Li muffles as she's  more worried for her brother and their soldiers that her own safety.

"Would you keep quiet.! "- Li Cheng glared at her as the felt the carriage their on move an inch.

That caused for it to roll down the road heading straight for the cliff without a coachman to navigate the direction they're headed...

While the enemies didn't put much care on to the moving carriage as they are sure enough that the emperor along with the empress won't ride a simple looking carriage.

And they just focused at the young general who already kill almost half of their man.,

While inside the carriage both Li Cheng and Kim Li had a rough ride as the carriage stumble and fall till the foot of the cliff,

And thankfully they ended with a body of water that gave them a surviving chance. But with broken limbs and scratches all over both of them, they didn't have the strength to swim back to shore and both passed out as they float to the surface and followed the current of the raging river.

Good thing Li Cheng tied the end of his robe to Kim Li's hand so they won't get separated before the carriage their on, fell from the cliff .

As the two unconscious people laying on the shore side by side., a child from a near by village noticed their bodies and asked his friends to carry them to their little home.,

Two kids at the age of eight and two at the age of five helped the two of them off the shore and carry them to their makeshift wagon.

Once back to their abandon building that they call home...they place the two beside each other side by side since they don't have much space in their home as they take care of them.

Moments later the two eldest member arrived both not in a good mood as they were accused of stealing their madams jewelry and got punished with the rod.

"Miyu, Ayu, Zenyu, Fenyu... were home, please help big brother Gin and this sister with medicine" the teen said

"Welcome back big sis Ven, Miyu will pick medicine at the foot of the mountain.."- Miyu, one of the five year old's

"I'll come with you Miyu.."- her twin Ayu said

As the two kids run along while the other two helped their big brother and sister in side the house.

When Ven saw the two unconscious bodies she started to get information out of the two kids.,

Scolding them along the way as they don't know if the two stranger are bad people.

But after the kids reasoned with "big sis you taught us that even we are poor we should be ready to help the ones in need" with their teary eyes that made their big sister give in.

While the other older teen who passed out as he received more beating than  Ven, since he struggled not to let his sister be beaten by them.

And he was laid next to the unconscious duo.,

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