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Two Months have passed since I got in this cold palace.

And with in that two months I finally cleaned and repaired the whole place

as I found some tools at where the maids quarters supposed to be.

From the hole in the roof to the over grown grass..

It looked so neat now which is so much better than  first time I came here, I asked A-Jin for a needle, thread, curtains and more blankets. To make a makeshift bed for the wolves and to pop up some color in this dull place.

But in the end A-Jin was the one who sew everything as I kept poking my fingers

And for some reason they allowed A-Jin to bring me some spices and all kind of condiments that came from the main kitchen and it really is some high grade spices which made our meals way better than a five star restaurant back in my previous life.

Also Mike and Luna's wounds are completely healed and they are in charge for hunting the five of us some food.

I also started training them some tricks, specially how to clean the floor with a cloth in preparation when they shed their furs.

They also like to dance along when I sing which is our bonding moment around noon.,

They are both intelligent and playful.,

Currently those two are hunting for some rabbits or squirrels for our dinner later

while I'm totally bored sitting at the foot of this tree for some shade.

I looked around and irritably frown..

"Yeah, it still looked dull" I thought as I stood up to dust myself as I head inside grabbing a brush and paper..

And list the things I needed... and I also got a message for the emperor if he ever asked what I needed those for.

After I'm done with it I head outside and call out for that shadow guard who's been keeping an eye of me since I warned them not to inflict any way of harm on A-Jin Again

At first I didn't know that he worked for the emperor but the second time I observed him I knew that he is one of my husbands men.

Cause He dropped his token from the emperor in a hurry to report back that time, which is currently in my possession and I'm not planning on giving it back..

Finders keepers plus I can directly bill anything I want to buy to the emperors wallet in case I decided to sneak out and do some shopping..

"Hey! Shadow guard! I know your there come out this instance!" I yelled but he didn't come out which irritate me as I wanted to start my project soon

I picked up three stones and throw it wit accuracy to where I felt his presence behind those thick leaves which is starting to fall.


"I'm sorry for that but it's your fault that you didn't come out when I called you" I said not really sorry for doing it though

"Your highness, what can I do for you" he asked kneeling one of his knee

"Could you please give this list to his majesty and if he asked why give him this letter"

He accept the list and the letter as he nod before disappearing from my sight.

I hope that senile would give me those things I needed as I really don't wanna live the rest of my life in this dull place

I sigh as I sat back at the tree waiting for Mike and Luna to return with our dinner.

While I kept envisioning what I'd do while those in the list are still waiting for approval.

With The shadow guard who's currently in front of the emperor.,

"What is this list for Feng Yun" the emperor looked clueless as for what the list is for or what would his consort would ever do with it

>10 barrels each of different color of paint
>20 barrels of white paint
>A selection of different sizes of paint brush (from smallest to biggest there is)
>Two full carts of over sized bamboo
>a box of nails
>a hammer
>3 sack of quick dry mud clay
>some high quality wood (cut into brick pieces)
>release more prey at the forest near the cold palace
>cooking materials
>10 sets of female hunting outfit
>10 sets of winter outfit
>1 indoor bath tub
>4 sets of winter blankets
>A cart of fire wood
>musical instruments to pass boredom
>and give me back A-Jin!


"It's reasonable to give her winter  clothes, blankets and her personal maid but what would she even do with hunting outfit and the rest of this stuff?" The emperor asked confused As he looked at his best shadow guard

"Her highness asked me to give you this letter if you ever asked that your majesty" Feng Yun kneeled and present the letter from the empress consort

That the emperor immediately opened and read the body of the letter

Which leave the room into total silence even Prince idle is curious of what's the letter said as he saw his brother smirk then frown which is really rare that he'd lose his cool

" What did Sister in law say brother?" He asked concerned at his brothers facial expression that almost looked like his constipated

He slam his hand on his table along with the letter in anger

"How dare that woman!" He said looking at everyone in front of him

"Your majesty please calm down"  Gou Shi said worried for his friend's health

While Feng Yun started to feel chills as he's the one who brought the letter to his majesty

And Eunuch Fon also tried to calm his majesty but the later won't budge and kept the frown on his face

While Prince Idle took the piece of paper out of curiosity and read what it said out loud since there's only the five of them in the room.

Dear Husband,

I don't want to bother you with those stuffs, but if I'll be living in the cold palace my whole life time as you've said. Then please do comply with my requests as I, Kim Li Ching would want to die out of old age. And not out of cold nor hunger.

Also you cold hearted pedophile shallow minded really just sent me only A meal per day!

I'm so young to be your consort and here I am sacrificing my whole youth for an emperor who can't even conduct a proper investigation before giving punishments!

While lying with out betting an eye in front of my father and brother. That's the only reason I can think of as of why my father and brother would stay quiet when their beloved daughter and sister is starving to death in this dull dusty cold palace.

I'm not doubting your intentions you senile old man, you want power that may father and brother can offer and you can do that in keeping me in the dark while you play with your backyard full of sluts.

You think you've hit three heads with one stone right?

I'll be letting you off for ruining my life but if you ever touch anyone that is close to my heart.., then this empress won't just sit back and watch.

Ps: Give me something to use, when it's that time of a women's time of the month!

Your consort,
Kim Li Ching

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