Blooded Angel

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It was time to head back to the palace, since Jun Meng is already asking for their assistance.,

cause there is a latter that came in, about the alliance that the other kingdom offered., that's why the two of them is making haste to depart..

But in the middle of packing their things.. one by one wounded scout soldiers was rushed to the medical team.,

And with what they saw the both of them head to the ward.

"What happened out there?"- Kim Li

She asked as calm as possible even though she's clearly worried about her brother,

she let the medics do their job patching the guy up.,

"They attacked the scouts, General Rin is trying to keep them in place even though he was wounded" - soldier

He said as he hiss in pain

After hearing the report Li Cheng held Kim Li's arm tight and with a firm voice he said "you are not permitted to head to the battlefield"

But Kim Li just shook her head saying that her brother's life is on the line and she's not gonna let him die on her watch.

As she said that she elbowed him that loosen his grip on her,  that let her escape and freely run towards the stable and mount a horse.

Li Cheng even though was surprised at how damage he got from just the force of her elbow., He followed her along with the back up soldiers and medics to help with the fight .

Though they lost Kim Li as she rode her horse too fast for them to catch up., but with the snow foot prints left they knew where she's headed.,

And followed her there..

As soon as they reach the place which was on thick ice, there you can hear   the swings of the swords and soldiers battle cry., and they saw Kim Li was frozen in her spot trying to analyze the reason behind the attack.

Then. There she saw an arrow which is speeding towards the General that made her shout.


But it was futile as he didn't have the time to dodge it and the arrow pierced his armor at his left chest .

Kim Li hurriedly Unmount her horse and pick up a sword next to an enemy corpse.

As she slice her way towards her brother with some difficulty cause of the slippery ice.

But once she reached where her brother is, she let go of her sword and gently place her brother's head on her lap.,

Some of the soldiers made a human barrier around them as soon as they noticed that their empress rushed for the General.

"You idiot... hissss what are you doing here?!"- Rin Li said panting

"Don't talk for now, scold me after you survive this.! Damn it!"- Kim Li

Who unconsciously cried..

"Shut up...ugh... someone take the empress out of here..."- he said coughing up some blood

And with that made her blood cold, as she radiate a strong presence of killing intent., that brought chills to the people who's present

It even went through the spines of the men Li Cheng with.,

"Someone take the General to the medics., NOW!"- Kim Li

She voiced out cold as Ice as she glared at the two nearest soldiers to do as she ordered  which they complied.,

And as Rin Li's body was out of the danger zone, she grinned evilly, remembering how she was once used to be., the lieutenant that everyone doesn't want to mess with.,

And now someone have crossed the line and just pissed her to her core,

The soldiers are shitless scared right about now while their back is facing their empress who's emitting a really heavy aura., while the enemy was frozen in place trying to comprehend what was happening.

Kim Li pulled out two daggers and took the blades out., smiling wickedly as she haven't try this type of assault  in her army days, so this is a first to her.,

Combining an elegant and gentle method with gruesome and impure intentions.,

She stab the dagger blade to the sole of her shoes, forcing the blade to insert halfway., then standing up feeling her balance as she stood.

Well good thing that the shoes that she was wearing has a thick sole otherwise her feet would be wounded.,

She grinned as she locked into the eyes of her enemy., while they are ridiculing and laughing out loud of her little show with the dagger at one moment then the next second made them seriously wanted to hide from her.

she skate and glide towards one of the enemy and cut his neck clean with the sword she picked up along the way..

Everyone was shock, even their own soldiers and the bystanders of both sides.

As she was just behind the barrier of soldiers and in a blink of an eye she's all blooded and slaughtering her enemies one by one., with her calculated and swift movements

No one saw that she was coming and was aiming for their necks.,

Though even the soldiers were overwhelmed at the current situation and shitless scared through their core,

But never the less they try their best to support their empress as she advance.,

Till the enemies retreated to their camp.,

Once they saw them retreat the soldiers rejoiced and praise the said empress.,

But as soon as they turn to her direction, she wasn't there on her spot but saw her elegantly gliding the thin ice towards to their emperor and injured General who's currently being attended by the medics trying to stop the bleeding as much as they could..

" Gou Shi, what's my brother's situation?"- Kim Li

"He might not make it, the General lost too much blood."- Gou Shi

"No! HE'S NOT GONNA DIE ON ME!"- Kim Li hysterically said grabbing Gou Shi at his collar

"Kim Li calm down.! Let's figure out how to stabilize the General first!"- Li Cheng

She calmed down after hearing him say that., as she focused at where the arrow pierced her brother.,

"Take off his armor., place him on a clean area, and give me a set of needles, anesthetics and a really thin but sharp knife., and just in case all the antidotes you have"- Kim Li

She ordered that they all obey as they all don't want to anger her highness more after seeing what's the extent of her capabilities were.,

While Kim Li prayed that the freaking arrow wasn't soaked in poison at any means..

She's worried. And that's a fact, for her to feel this way with someone who isn't her blood related family.,

Make her sigh as she well knew that she already grew attached with the people in this era.,

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