Sleeping Lioness

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Kim Li just sigh

"Can the three of you Relax, I ain't gonna eat you alive" she said that made the three flinch

"I didn't expect this turn of information, the sister who guided us to success is none other her highness the empress herself..." Qin Won stated still in awestruck

"Can someone pinch me now...?" Yon You softly pinching his cheeks while Lou Min stared at Gin as of saying 'you knew all of this information yet didn't gave a heads up..

"Let's get to the point gents... I have some sleep to catch up with, or I might go insane soon.,"

They discuss their next project which is building a brothel at the center of the city for information gathering.

Similar from the malls in modern era, where a huge space can contain clothing store, jewelry shops, entertainment and many more.,

Kim Li instructed them what to do with the space to utilize it to its full potential.,

They just need to patch some of the financial struggles that May occur during the building process.,

But more or less Gin and his group already knew what to do and are looking forward to opening the said store.,

After the meeting Kim Li head back to her room near the emperor's chambers and catches some sleep.,

She's been busy with a lot of paperwork that she sacrificed her sleep for the sake of the kingdom's stability.,

But as soon as she closed her eyes her thoughts flooded her from all of her unfinished work.,

She know that she needed the rest but her brain doesn't really cooperate that much

She twist and turn to get more comfortable in her bed but to no avail she's still wide awake.,

She already drank warm milk and cuddled the three wolves next to her but still can't sleep.,

Until she decided to hum a tone in her head, like a lullaby trying to make a baby sleep., and start doing the secret  military technic of having sleep even at war.

And that is to relax every facial muscle, down to the muscles of the arm, hand, and fingertips up to the toenails then think of nothing but the calm breathing that the lung make.
And before she knew it she's already drifted of to selep.

Li Cheng's POV

After I left the empress I went straight to the audience room, and there I'm greeted with another mess to fix.

"Let me go!"

"Don't you know who, your manhandling?!"

"Get your hands off me!"

"Why am I not surprised any more?" GouShi stated as he looked at the yelling of the ladies

"Well this is more troublesome than facing those lions" Eunuch Fon commented as he pat my back  giving out his sympathy for my misfortune

I just looked at the three of them and shouted

"ENOUGH! am I now invisible to all  of you to keep this sight going in my presence ?!"

"Your majesty! this is all a big misunderstanding!" Qui Li plead

"Your majesty! please we've got nothing to do with it!" May won kneeled and grabbed the end of my robe

I observed them, as they kept pleading that their not guilty

"That's Enough! All of you are not allowed  to roam around and leave your chambers until I get at the bottom of this! Feng Yun attend to them personally and have someone guarding them dusk till dawn!" I ordered and left them

I could still hear them pleading but I turned a deaf ear as, It's my responsibility to check the harem every now and then since the empress did half of  my paperwork.

I went straight to my study and started my and the empress paperwork which is piled  by urgency, Her was made things easier as everything is in place., 

I admired her work and how she do  things her way but  now I wished that lioness could have her sleep or I'll be doomed.

I checked the caged lion's file and thought all the possibilities on how this type of beast could enter the palace without  a single guard  or soldier  noticing it.

"Brother We Have A Problem!" Jun Meng burst in the study and is heavily panting

"Catch your breath first, then tell me what happened." I ordered helping  him as I get a cup of water but  he dismissed it and drag me outside the study and we hurriedly run as he yelled
"No Time For That! Come With Me!"

and then the second I processed everything that's happening is were at the empress room. as two of the lions and wolves growl at each other., while there's two of the concubines  present and  screaming for help at the corner of the room

"Why do I even bother?" I stated disappointed and just leave them be as I went  straight to Kim Li's chambers and found her steering awake.

I hurriedly tried to block all the noise coming from outside covering  her ears while saying

"Go back to sleep I'll handle it." as gently as possible as to not fully awaken her. While Yaz stayed near her mom incase someone get passed the defense of Luna and Mike that's currently growling at the lions.

"Jun Meng, ask the guards and tell them to take the lions back " I ordered sternly as my brother did what's told

"The two of you are to be punished by kneeling Infront of the temple for two whole months and relearning the palace rules"

"Your majesty why are you so nice to her?" Jen Sho asked.

"Because she's my empress"

"But what about us? Did I misunderstand it all along when all this year's I thought you loved me?"

"Former concubine Jen Sho, you have no right to speak informally towards your emperor. The past is gone and you are now just a lowly servant so if I were you I'd mind my manners and take your master away before I decided to make the both of you lion food."

I sternly said as i point the door for them to leave along with the guards trying to tame the lions

Good thing that those felines didn't make too much fuss when the guards brought them meet and thank goodness that Kim Li didn't woke up from all the noise they created.

When the room was cleared I felt the exhaustion of the today's events and decided to lay down a bit next to my empress and actually have a peace of mind as I close my eyes.

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