The Officials.o3

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As the officials currently reporting to Kim Li. Li Cheng, Gou Shi and Eunuch Fon are at the secret study room of the emperor at the second floor of the court room which they all can clearly see what's happening downstairs.

"Your majesty? I'm not sure about this.," Eunuch Fon said

"As I am., but if she really can make her words all true then she'll be more useful as I thought she'd be" Li Cheng said paying attention at the crisis downstairs and took note at how Kim Li let them speak, degrade her and insult her as no woman in the history took the emperor's place at the court.

"I'm rather worried for your Officials mental state, your majesty. Her highness will certainly burn them with just words" Gou Shi said as he looked at Feng Yun's pale expression and the curious look of Jun Meng.,

"What are you talking about Gou Shi?" Eunuch Fon asked while the emperor also looked curious

"Its better to see and hear for yourselves than for me to explain it" Gou Shi said as he pointed at the direction of the empress, who just calmly sat while still writing down something as the officials finished reporting

"Okay? Is that all?" They heard her asked

"Please give us your order your highness!" They all said as Kim Li put the brush down.

"Servant!" She yell at the servant outside that made everyone in the courtroom curious of what's going on in her mind

"Yes, your highness." She said nervously as she bowed

"No need to be nervous, ask someone to give this gentlemen something to sit on and some snacks and drinks along with it" she said that made everyone more curious

Everyone waited for the servants to enter again and placed cushions to each officials along with a tray of sweets and wine.

After the servants exit the room, the officials still on stand making small chats about the woman in front of them.while waiting for her next order.

"Jun Meng go please ask someone to get all His majesty's memorials along with the memorials that the officers just passed., also get me a book with blank pages to write on" she asked that Jun Meng immediately comply

"Feng Yun, ask for the treasury's account book from Eunuch Fon..he should know where is it". She said that make the noise in the courtroom get louder with their gossips

"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP! THIS IS NOT THE MARKET PLACE!"  She shouted irritated that made the room so quiet that you can hear a pin drop

" now do sit down according to your posts earlier and enjoy the wine and sweets for the time being" she coldly said

But some decided to be disrespectful and started to leave the place as they don't see the point of staying further cause all they know that even the emperor can't handle the situation how could she, a woman of sort can handle it if the man can't.

"Yaz, Mike, Luna be sure that no one leave this place or you three are grounded for a month" she said that made the hiding wolves who followed her became alert and guard the door, growling at the ones who dared to cross their mom.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Someone asked completely not minding their positions

"No One will leave this place till each and every last issue you just mentioned earlier is resolved, now I'd rather wait patiently for me to check this documents before letting my temper play. Or else you might be decapitated for les majesty, or you lot forget who your talking with?" She asked surprisingly calm and collected but her tone is sharp and venomous

As she scan the documents that Feng Yun and Jun Meng brought., while taking note some important details on the blank book.,

But irritatingly the brush at his majesty's table is not to her liking as it is too thick and uses a lot of space.,

"Yaz, be a dear and go get my pen at my study table" she said as she raised the brush and the wolf rush off to get the item,

While the officials are starting to get impatient from all the waiting they started to voice out their own opinions.

"You highness it's not appropriate for us to wait this long, please let us go."

"His right your highness, even his majesty doesn't take long for morning court"

"Your majesty some of us have someone waiting back at our homes"

"You highness your just a woman it's fine if you couldn't solve this type of problems, his majesty will certainly won't blame you."

They continued while she just ignored them as Yaz arrived with the said pen.,

"Thanks" she said patting the wolf's head as it lay down next to her

And when she received it she wrote her analysis at the blank book with accuracy and speed

While they eyed the item that she's using as it's not a brush and she's not using the grinned ink.

Even the ones at the second floor seemed to be interested at the item that the wolf brought for its mistress.

It's almost noon and she's still writing everything she detected ,until one can't take it any longer

"Hey! aren't you gonna answer us?!" Pie Sho said arrogantly irritated at the long wait


"Bastards!" She said standing up and slamming her palm at the desk

"Who do you think you are?! His majesty's the one appointed me today! And if you're doing your damn jobs right he may not be in bed right now enduring fatigue!" She said making everyone flinched

"Please calm down your highness!" Feng Yun tried but currently his failing

"And who's the idiot who wrote this account books?" She angrily yelled

Which made Li Cheng and Eunuch Fon to take a step back.

"Well she doesn't really held back her words., that's for sure" Eunuch Fon said still taken a back at how their Empress turned 180 degree authoritative.

While his majesty just stare at the said girl as he feared that she'll make it even more complicated for him.

At Feng Yun side near her highness he's completely out of life force just by worrying for that arrogant official as he experienced how she played her game well and how she switch from playful and became serious all of a sudden.

While Jun Meng seems to be more interested as his sister in law at how she look at everyone at equal terms and no one can be spared..,

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