Change of Plans

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As the future successor of the Kingdom of Winter, Red decided to call upon an emergency meeting., concerning state affairs and the future of the kingdom.

He prepared himself to strongly win the case on his mind and Pursue the alliance with no ill intention.

As they haven't know the limitation of her capability., as she strongly support and protect her Empire like the Empress she is. And He wouldn't want to know how she'll flip their kingdom once Kim Li found out their plan.,

He waited in the meeting room for everyone to arrive., he is darn early as he needed to collect himself to get his thoughts across their elders and master's and persuade them to abort the plan.,

But all he got is anxiety and contemplation inside his head., as he knew how hard to convince them to drop it, just cause he asked of it.

It's like his in between the things he needed to do and his family's wishes.

His aunt had already passed away, if Kim Li was indeed his cousin, she already died cause of child birth. And not from any hardships nor torture like they all assumed.

As the minuets pass by Red became more anxious waiting for them in the meeting room. And just took a deep breath to regain his composure when his master Lam arrived and took his seat, at the corner right, next to his grandfather's seat.

"So what is this all about Red?"- Lam asked after he sat

"Just matters needed to discuss"-Res answered giving out a sigh, that is really not his character that made his master curios about the said matter.

After a couple minutes of their short exchange, one by one of the appointed personnel entered the meeting room.

And we're all just waiting for his father and grandfather's arrival.

Everyone is silent and suspicious while they wait.

Some can feel that whatever the young lad prepared to propose or suggest will be a huge conflict between the two factions.

Soon his grandfather and  father arrived and took their seats.

"What is this meeting for Red?" his father asked.

"Grandfather, Father, Elders and Masters... I wish to talk about our plan towards their empire..."-  Red

"What is the meaning of this Red?"- Master1

"Are you planning to abort our advances! Were at our last phase of our operation...!"-Master2

"Are you just gonna give up on your aunt just like that?!"-Master3

"I'll be direct to the point, Yes.  I  wish to abort the operation."-Red said so seriously that made his Master Lam to curiously took a peek at his student's face.

While  the rest are clearly mad about it while the Elders are contemplating the pros and cons of his suggestion.

his Father glared at him for all his dead sister's worth, that they have planned this for years and his son is just abandoning everything they've done for to get their dead princess some justice.

While his Grandfather is also thinking the same thing as his grandson. Though its not just his call cause everyone in this courtroom is fond of his deceased daughter.

"Why would you even suggest that young lad?"- Elder1 asked curiously as they saw how serious their Red is.

"Because if The Empress is really the daughter of our late  Princess,  then we have already knew that she didn't die in vain but she lived a stable and happy life, why would we still start a war if we can prevent our men from dying."-Red calmly stated that made the room colder

"What do you mean by that?"-Elder1

"The Empress stated that her mother died from giving birth to her, and she died happily giving birth to a loving daughter... Someone might just set us up to go  against the empire and happily watching us failed and became ruins"- Red explained.

"You may have a point there Young master, but were still uncertain that the empress  is our princess's daughter. And there's  no evidence that your theory is  correct"- Elder3

  "That is true. But  from what I've observe by being Kim Li's guard is that we don't have a chance against that said empress. I am not underestimating our troops nor overestimating the Enemy, but if you haven't saw how she could go toe to toe with Master Lam which was our best sword master standing by our side. "- Red pointed out giving his master a glance to back him up

While the master Lam  thought the same  way as his student as he specially  confirmed the origin of the empress himself.

'and she is his grand daughter from his precious daughter' he   thought while making eye contact to his master.

though the meeting room is still in chaos, That the Masters nor the Lord didn't feel the presence  of a single individual who is casually eavesdropping above them.,

that made her  smirk as she already know their  inside job on going plan. though she's impressed at the bravery of Red to went against his superiors plan and risked being ridiculed by them by proposing to stop their advances.

she  also noticed how the Lord is reacting to all of  the chaos and the Old man  that kept giving the Lord a curious gaze though She took some mental note  at  how she will deal with those old timers.

'A harmless prank will do the trick....' she thought devising her plan and as of how  she'll put it together just in time to scare their shits out.

She also thought to fully use the new recruits to make the job  easier and faster. Its their fault that for making a losing bet in the first place, so she'd thought to use them well

She then took off from the roof and place  the tile back.

as she hurry to Li Cheng's Study that  they provided, so the emperor  could still do his job

Of course her first move is to pull him in the same boat so she wouldn't be punished sevearly afterwards.,

Specially that she's gonna bring a lot of chaos and screams inside this castle.

Kim Li is mentally dividing the work as she walk towards her destination, as a playful smirk can be seen by the maids as she walk pass them.,

As soon as she entered the study that made her husband to look at her direction.,

As she took a piece of paper, ink and quail on Li Cheng's table and draw the interior of the castle while marking the perfect spots for their surprise.

"Mind telling me what your up to Kim Li?" The emperor asked raising a brow towards his empress who is currently smirking mischievously

"Li Cheng I would like to ask your if I could have fun one last time before you gave out your punishment?"- Kim Li as the smirk ain't leaving her lips

"Hyst, I know that you'll still do it weather I give you permission or not., but be sure not to traumatize them too much" - the emperor said giving in, as he knew his empress stubbornness and slyness

"Sure thing...." She said as she leave the study and head towards the training grounds.

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