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That night Kim Li hears about the borders report and the immediate dispatch of her father and brother to assist, that kept her mind running else where, making her disheartened and lose focus at her work.

While the wolves are laying around her to support their mom

"Whimper" -Mike

"I'm fine, Mike I'm just worried that's all" she said while stroking his fur.

" Your highness, his majesty has sent someone, and he said that his majesty wanted to have a word with you" A-Jin said, taking me out of my lonely thoughts.

"Tell him that I'll be there in a minute" I said standing up from my position that also made the wolves stir up

"You two stay here, Mike could you come with me and watch my back?" I asked as he nudged and licked my hand

"Okay, I'll take that as a yes... let's go" I said as I changed my night gown with a red hunting outfit.

I walk straight in his office that the eunuch didn't have a chance to announce my arrival.

" *yawn* your majesty, I heard that you called for me" I said as I entered the room

I saw Jun Meng and Li Cheng's playing chess while drinking tea.

"Well, I'm the one who actually call you in, Sister in law" Jun Meng asked

"Oh?" I asked in question as both Mike and I find ourselves comfortable

"Well yes, I would want to ask your opinion about these long term flooding and drought that the whole kingdom suffers during summer season specially in the South." He said, explaining the situation as to prepare for the up coming problem at summer season.

"Before I give my opinion your highness, may I ask for more information related to the subject?" I said calmly as I sip from my tea that the maids gave

"I will give you the memorials related to that, tomorrow morning we'll meet you at the court room" Li Cheng said indifferent

That made me wonder how his mood swings work..

I mean really.. one moment he seems approachable then the next thing you know, his being a big fat jerk all over again.

I thought as I move a chess piece for Jun Meng, completely sealing his advance.,

It's like I'm forcing the Queen to take a step back, to realize the bigger picture that'll benefit her subjects with out sacrifices.

In life a lot suffer from mental breakdown, cause everyone sometimes forgot that we need that one pause every once in a while. and to take a deep breath and slow down a bit.

Forcing oneself to figure everything out in a fast pace while society kept pressuring you endlessly , of course your mind will breakdown sooner or later from the stress.

"I guess it's your loss, brother" Jun Meng said cheekily, while Li Cheng assess the chess pieces

"How did you corner me with just a single move?" Li Cheng asked accepting defeat

" just luck, I guess." I said standing as I still have a pile of memorials to review "if there is nothing else, I'll take my leave your majesty, your highness" I said as I waved my hand as I left the room with Mike in toe.

I went to the garden to freshen up and sort my mind. Due a memory of the General in my past life popped up all of a sudden.

'Mom, Dad... knowing you both you probably been burying yourselves with work.. come to think of it, I haven't been thinking about you guys for a while now.'

I thought just as I stare At the bright moon light. I sat at the bench thinking of what if I didn't die that day.? Though if I am given a chance I will do it all over again to save the hostages.

I didn't know if I ever got it, I mean mom basically don't like the idea of, me being a soldier, risking my life day in and day out that I don't know when will my time come.

Though a soldier is my calling, and I don't regret it one bit. Dying for my country is that means I'm laying my life for my family and that is enough for me. But today I just missed them I miss having my strict father ordering me around and basically killing me in the excuse of training.

And for my mom I wish I could spend more time with her. But the past is past and I'm leaving As Kim Li Ching being the Empress Consort and not a soldier.

Though I can still defend my country like a soldier, but with a different level of authority, cause I'm practically the one pulling the strings behind the curtains. And so far I've been doing a decent job at it .

"Come to think of it, Li Cheng might have more information about the war that's been going on at the border, might as well ask him about it." I thought out loud

And took note to ask him for the said emergency that pulled out my father and brother to the battle field.

A couple of minutes I made up my mind to raid Li Cheng's study and look for novels or something nice to read from his personal library.

But all I found was book of war strategy, politics, etiquette and swordplay

"This is boring" I though as I decided to sit at at his office chair and started reviewing memorials.

I also did a drainage sketch for the flooding issue and list the needed materials, that needed to sterilized or filter the drinking water.,

And as of the spring season to arrive., I listed the materials to be used and draw a blue print for a reservoir and water wheel to prevent flooding at spring and solve the drought at summer.,

I went on and on till I finished till morning came. And I still don't feel like sleeping.

I stretched and I went out the study, then make my way to the bath and soaked for a couple of minutes before I decided to head to the court room.

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