Abducted Empress.o2

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A day have passed since Kim Li left the camp, that really irritate both Li Cheng and Rin Li with the  sloppy letter she left.

Saying not to look for her as she'll just gonna go explore by herself and have fun.,

Rin Li was still recovering that's why he haven't set out and look for his spoiled sister., the Marquis was ordered to head back to the palace to help Stabilize the tide in the court.,

While Li Cheng is buried by paper works since his Empress decided to extend their stay and is no where to be found at the moment.,

He did sent some men to look for her, but knowing his empress uh.. unique way of thinking., he predicted that she'll stay hidden till she had enough fun and come out on her own,

While they are worried their said empress is having a warm luxury bath, and is having fun annoying the elders of the enemy kingdom,
ordering the servants, mercilessly annoying Red, and just literally making a mess wherever she goes.

Though surprisingly they just let her do whatever she wants., as their Lord ordered to just observe her till their elder physician arrives to do a blood matching test.

While Kim Li is also observing their actions, and was more and more curious as to why their Lord haven't asked for an audience yet., she also kept preying information from Red and Gon which they kept a tight lip, though Gon was the guy who's always with Red and was one of the guards they put to watch her.,

Currently she just finished dressing up with the green winter dress they provided for her, though not her type of clothes but she don't have any choice, as she doesn't bring her hunting clothes with her.

"Hey, Red would you mind if I ask you something?"-Kim Li

"What is it this time?"- Red answered annoyed

"I heard the rumors circulating around the castle, that I might be a lost Royal in this palace., is it the reason why you guys tried to abduct me, and let me just do as I please?"-Kim Li said that shock Red a bit for pin pointing the reason

As he think that none of their maids would dare to ever spread rumors as they are all skilled assassins and knew how to keep a secret.

"Based on your expression, I got it right, though I doubt that I'm that woman your looking for. You see my mother died delivering me to this world, and father is an enemy soldier of this kingdom., so if I were you I ain't gonna get my hopes up"- Kim Li as she comb her hair.

"Either way, I also have business here that's why I'll play along with your abduction scheme., and if your Lord refuse cooperate with me, I have more ways than one to get what I want."- Kim Li smirked

As she ordered Gon to take her to their lord and left Red in the room..

As she walked towards the main office as Gon is leading her at the moment.,

And saw an old man around his fifties sighing piles of paper work.

"Master The miss request for an audience for Lord Tom"-Gon as he kneel to show respect.,

"The Lord, is waiting for someone to arrive, you may ask me any of your quires"- the man said

"Since I'm already here, I want to have a copy of the proposal of the alliance of this kingdom to the empire. And hope you guys don't harbor any hidden agendas underneath this alliance."- Kim Li said direct to the point

Even though she knew, that of what she said would alert the enemy and might went for her head.

But she didn't care of any of that at the moment as she's not willing to sacrifice and involve more people in this annoying grudge between the lands.,

"We assure you dear empress that we meant no harm, as we wished for the deaths of our fellow man to stop." He answered

"Then if that's the case, our kingdoms may prosper and rise side by side.,"- Kim Li said smiling Extending a hand to shake

As extend his hand to shake it, as Kim Li took it in a friendly smiling manner in one second and the next she grip his hand tight enough for him to flinch in pain.,

Though he hid his emotions well, he certainly felt the immense pressure that the lady's giving.

"Though if I found you stabbing me at the back, I swear to Hell this kingdom will fall."- Kim Li

As she add more pressure in it and l let go., she wiped her hand with a handkerchief before dangerously glaring at the said master, making them known the extent of her seriousness as she leaked out her killing intent, that was felt by everyone with in the whole perimeter of the castle.,

The shadow guards in the room showed themselves dangerously pointing their swords at the said lady.

While everyone was alert and immediately search for the enemy., some shiver as the thought that the intent wasn't pointed at them but they feel the pressure of dread as if hell's gate is opening up that will devour them while.,

She pinch the tip of one of the shadow guards sword and move it down., as if
The said guard was hypnotized that he didn't put up a fight and completely let the lady do as she please..

Kim Li glanced at their feared expressions before she sealed off the killing intent and left them in a trans.,

Along the hall way she came across Red who's running frantically searching for the enemy., but as soon he saw the smiling face of the empress, he put the pieces together and deducted. that it was her doing as she is in a rather good mood.

"Could you at least give me a break?"-Red

"Now, where's the fun in that? Plus I haven't done anything...." She said as she looked at his direction

"Yet.." - Kim Li

"Just stop causing the whole castle in a frenzy. I'll assist you in whatever, just don't scare the hell out of my people half to death!"-Red

"I wonder what were you talking about"-Kim Li said innocently, not really knowing what his preaching about .

But Red just gave her an are you serious look with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever it is, I'll take that sweet deal though"- Kim Li happily said as she drag him where she though the training field is. as she's been really curious at how they train their soldiers.,

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