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"HERE COMES GENERAL LI CHING!" Eunuch Mo shouted as everyone heard the gallops that the horse made

And from the main entrance of the palace I saw my Father with the kingdom's crest in his flag that is in his back leading his tropes officials to present themselves in front of the emperor.

The all kneeled in from of him and wait for the emperor grant them permission to speak


" Your majesty, I General Li Ching along with my tropes took back the northern boarder from the Huns and push them back to retreat, we also brought back some prisoners to question and saved innocent children along the way your majesty." Father said still kneeling down

"Everyone already heard the good news, and the prisoners will be handed the interrogation team while to the all soldiers you have sacrificed your safety to protect your country heed me as you all have till summer to be with your families and loved ones. But today the whole kingdom will rejoice as we prepare a feast for all" Emperor Li Cheng said that result to an uproar from the blooded and tired soldiers

"Thank you your majesty" Father said as he stood up looking at my direction as I smiled at him

I move forward beside his majesty as I look at both of their exhausted feature

"I'm glad that you are home safe father and brother" I smiled at them as both of them gave me a nod

The soldiers freshen up as the rest enter the reception hall of the palace as where the banquet is held

I didn't worry about the commoners too much as they all can have a taste of the food to be serve as I asked Feng Yun to also prepare food for the commoner outside the palace so the soldiers can celebrate their return with their families in his majesty's name.

In politics it's really important to listen the people's silent cry, so the man in power can easily help them and vice versa, as they can also help the one in power in times of need

It might not be much but at least you'll know that there is someone to help you on your feet again.

I thought as Everyone took off their coats and each and every woman in here wore their best attire.

While they started gossiping when the emperor and I took off our coats

"You're dragging your name to the mud" his majesty whispered

"I don't mind those none sense gossip, your majesty as long as The people I treasured are breathing, I don't care about anything else" I said looking straight at everyone

Li Cheng just sigh as Queen Mother gave the cue so everyone can dig in.

As the dancers started entertaining our guests.

" your grace isn't it too boring to just eat and watch this lowly performers? Our soldiers brought home victory for the entire kingdom and my sisters and I agreed to gave our gratitude by showing our skill wouldn't it be livelier? What do you think your majesty, your grace?" The Highest Imperial concubine said

that caught all the attention inside the reception hall.

'This outta be good' I thought as a looked at the concubines faces and it looks like their all prepared something to today's event

While I saw my father kept glancing at me and at how I dress up for the occasion that really stand out from the crowd and there's my brothers entertained look at my way of welcoming them as he knew what my outfit meant for all the soldiers, giving them the extra boost of moral.

As I've said soldiers are simpletons they would appreciate more if they where treated as an equal and no noble status attached., just some bro to bro time

How did I know? I was once a soldier before I came in this world..

"That would be nice concubine Jen Sho, you May entertain us" Queen mother agreed without consulting the emperor

But none the less his concubine by turns doing their stunts.

"Your majesty, I'm not aware that all your woman have to perform today, so don't blame me if I messed up and embarrassed you in front of the whole audience " I whispered

"Don't you think that it's a bit too late for that? Your clothes alone already did the job." he whispered back sighing

"What did my outfit ever do to you? Your so hung up in pointing that I dressed differently than the rest of your woman."

"It's not pleasing to the eye that my empress consort can't even pick the right attire for such occasion."

"Hey what are you talking about? If you ask someone to hear the opinion of the soldiers at how I was dressed today they would say otherwise" I said as I look at my dear sister playing the zither

"The problem with you that you seek help from the wrong people, you are to modest to lift up your name as the emperor yet you still got no clue how to make your own land prosper" I said he started ignoring me cause it's the highest imperial concubine's turn to perform

and she decided to dance a very seductive belly dance that gain my husbands full attention

"And here I thought your better than a pervert" I said massaging my temples as he elbowed me at the same time glaring as he heard what I said

"What can't blame me, your ogling at her neck, chest, and stomach. If that's not the act of perverseness than what is it?" I asked as he took off his eyes on her

"Can you not give me a headache for fifteen minutes" he said surrendering

"But where's the fun in that?" I said smiling mischievously at him

But what the crowd saw was that the emperor deliberately payed attention at his empress consort and kept conversing with her than to appreciate his five concubines whose entertaining everyone.,

Queen mother is also annoyed at how this empress consort embarrassed the rest of the harem in front of all his majesty's loyal officials

"Oh! My It sure finished quickly.," Queen Mother said disappointed then she looked at the empress consort

"My dear daughter in law... did you have something prepared to gratify our soldiers?" She asked and everyone's attention was on their Empress Consort

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