In the Zone.o3

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While the two receive their order, Gin and three of his friend merchants that came with him arrived.

"Gin! Just in time! Come, Come, lets eat first.."- Kim Li offered

While Li Cheng just stay quiet, a Little bit irked at how she intentionally drained his money pouch

"Don't mind him, lets eat first before hearing my business proposal"- Kim Li as she drag them to seat and encourage to eat.,

She ordered more food, this time she's paying since Li Cheng's pouch is dry by now.

you may wonder where her money came from?

She sell some of her weapons at some soldiers who took interest in it.

that's why she have more money than Li Cheng at the moment.

After they all finished eating their food., The merchants became anxious, as they don't have any idea why their friend plead for them to hear her sister.

"Don't be anxious, I'm Kim Li and this man is Li Cheng, may I know the names of my potential business partners?"- Kim Li as she kept her smile.

"I'm Lou Min"
a gentle man in his thirties ,in a typical merchant outfit.

"The names Qin Wou"
A playful smirk came from the young lad in his twenties, when he heard what she said, and was drawn to her confidence.

"I....I'm Yun You" a shy boy said which made Kim Li fuss over his shy nature., well his around nineteen or so with a personality of a ten year old

" Nice to meet you, So. I called you over for some business proposal. You see, we also think how the Xin's  trading market looked at our goods value are a bit ummm, unjust... So I take it to my self to open an new trading market "- Kim Li

She exclaimed full of confidence.

"But how? The Xin's trading market is the only trading market we can sell our goods here.."-Qin Wou

"That's where your thinking too shallow my dear gentleman, that's why I'm here. Right..."- Kim Li

as she fetch and unroll the business permit she just got. That made them bulge their eyes on what's written there.,

Shock was all over their faces as they scan the thin paper that the lady is holding.

"You see, I have a business permit here., if your interested you can sell your goods at what's they're worth, though I get a twenty percent share at every item you sell... you see gents
it took me some lengths to get this peace of permit here., but since you are Gin's acquaintance I'll give you a discount and lower it to ten percent for hosting fee and a little favor to man our shop when I am not around.." - Kim Li

She said in her business mode., she's not taking a no for an answer, as she displayed a sweet smile of victory while her confidence sky rocketed.

Li Cheng looked at her as if she grew another head., as he also didn't know what she's spouting, but he can see how confident she is

While Gin was start struck at how she handled her self and shut his friends quiet.

While the three were all focused and imagined their gain if they join her., although they seemed confused at the percentage thing she talked about works.

"How much is ten percent?"- Yun You asked timidly

"Hmmm. Let's say your selling a fine silk for 350 silver per set ., I'll take away ten present..and it's 35 silver, a small fee for trading under our permit., and the rest will be yours to dispose of."- Kim Li explained

While the rest imagined their success in joining her., that it showed in their eyes.,

"Is it okay to let the others in this deal?"- Lou Min

"Of course, the more the merrier., just explain to them how We plan to run our  trading market. Let's all meet tomorrow morning at the town plaza, and set up our own market place there.."- Kim Li

She said pleased at what they're offering., well the more the investors the grater the profit...,

"We'll surely be there., Nice doing business with you Miss Kim" Qin Wou

"Yes see you.."- Kim Li

When the three have left, Gin inquired at how she manage to get a permit in just a day., as the said retired General was as stubborn as a Rock.,

And she explained to the both of them, that having one trading market in a bustling place as the Nebula capital., it is certain that there's some shady underhanded things happening, and of course the one in power is involved in it.

As soon as she finished explaining, they went down town to look for something to sell.,

And with pure coincidence and luck they came across a wide bamboo field., and decided to make some bamboo flute, she also tried to make some dress out of its fibers and leaves., she didn't use any needle and thread she just knotted it here and there to secure it.

that it ended up in modern style, even though she tried to style it the same style this era uses., but nonetheless she's happy with it

They made a dozen more of their goods to be sold, and by midnight the found themselves making a hundred of each.,

'God, I really need to appoint some laborers' she though tired as her vision slowly welcoming the darkness.,

Of course she's tired since she haven't got an ounce of sleep from researching the night before and she doesn't get any chance today since she's been busy with making their goods to sell.

When Li Cheng noticed that their companion was down and is now peacefully sleeping back leaning at a tree., they decided to hit the hey., as he carry her to the carriage till they reach the inn they're staying.,
While Gin took a separate carriage and load their products inside, following their carriage.,

Once they arrived at the inn, they head straight to their room and take their sleep.,

They all shared one small  room with two bed, and small and one big and Li Cheng placed Kim Li at the small bed near the window.,

As he decided that this woman might flip this inn if she knew, she shared a bed with him., so he decided to share a bed with Gin and be over the night with as he's also tired from making all that bamboo flute in just a day.,

And the tree of them have a sweet night, till Kim Li woke them up before the sun rise up.,

That only got them four hours of sleep., that Li Cheng cursed in his head for the ninth time since they departed from the palace.,

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