Full Trust on Her.o3

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The prince arrived as if his struggling to live. That made the couple curious as of what May have caused it.

"What happened to you?"-Li Cheng asked

"Sister in law this is pure torture! Can't brother have those girls as concubines?!"- Jun Meng

"And here I thought something bad happened to you" -Kim Li said not caring at all

"But I don't want to get married yet!"-Jun Meng

"That's your fault for running your mouth in the presence of both Queen mother and the concubines" - Kim Li answered coldly

"What did I do wrong, when you and brother consummated already... isn't that such good news?!"-Jun Meng cried

"Nothing happened"- Li Cheng calmly said finishing their last paper work as the prince is now pale as he knew what he'd done wrong

"Do you have any idea how his harem took their grievance on me instead of your brother?..Now suck it up! as it is your punishment plus it's annoying to have those officials sending marriage proposals that I needed to write a reply to.."- Kim Li stated that make Jun Meg paled even more

"Brother! Help me with her would you!"- Jun Meng cried hoping that his brother could help him

"You know no one could win against her, though if you already fancy someone we'll find a way for that woman to be your wife"- Li Cheng

"And she'll gonna go under my wing to give the basic knowledge on how to survive in the palace."Kim Li stated not minding the crying prince

"In fact I do fancy someone but I don't know if she liked me back"-Jun Meng murmured That caught both their attention

"What she's like?"- Li Cheng

"So? Who was she?"-Kim Li

They ask curiously almost didn't believe his words if they didn't see how spaced out he is as if his in the middle of admiring the said girl in his mind that made him red as a tomato when he realized that he was dosing off and the couple  is staring at him

"She's a merchant I once meet during one of the trade that I've made on your absence" he shyly said

"Then lets grant her to be your wife."-Kim Li

"What? wait! NO!!! she didn't know that I'm a Prince!"-Jun Meng

"Then I'll give you till the trials starts for you to confess or you marry another kingdom's spoiled brat"-Kim Li sternly stated as she continue finalizing the soon to be crown princess final trial that she came up with.

while Jun Meng is now stressed at how will he confess to that girl when the said girl hate the palace drama.

And with his Brother and Sister-in-law managing his marriage to form alliance he's now more dreaded fearing for rejection

Li Cheng noticed his Brother's delema that he elbowed Kim Li, making her glare at him but he just point at Jun Meng who's currently spaced out.

Kim Li just sigh and massage her temple "Tell me her name and I'll do something about it." she said that pull the prince back to his senses

"Her name is Venus Nim..."he answered

"Li Cheng ask someone to invite the girl to meet me, I'll explain our prince delema to her... But Jun Meng you'll be the one making her fall for you. as I don't want to force a girl to marry someone she doesn't love., I can teach her a thing or two to survive the harem but that's all I could to to help and the rest is in her own capability" Kim Li stated that made Jun Meng hugged her out of joy.

"Okay. no need to hug her brother.." Li Cheng said emitting a dark aura aimed at his brother that made him jump back and run towards the door out of the empress room saying that he'll plan everything on how to make her fall for him.

"Are you perhaps annoyed at Jun Meng getting married? " She asked completely clueless that his being protective of his territory.

"Don't mind me."- Li Cheng

"Yeah, Sure.." she said as she rolled her eyes "By the way are you gonna join me on checking your concubine's work?"- Kim Li

"No, I'll do it. You get some rest since your gonna check the reservoir tomorrow" - Li Cheng

" Sure I'll gladly take your offer" she said pushing all the papers out of her face and make a space to comfortably place her head on the table as she doze off

"te...tell, A-jin to wake me up before dark" -Kim Li stated as she closed her eyes and sleep all the stress she accumulated by her paperwork

Li Cheng gently shook his head eyeing her adorable habit of sleeping comfortably almost anywhere., though he wished that she doesn't push herself too much.

As she have already done enough to be looked up to and be recognized by the people., and yet she's pushing herself too hard as if something is coming after her, as if she have a deadline to reach...

none of the officials opposed her order as they all saw how ruthless she could be and how much change she have implemented just by sitting at the throne for several weeks.,

they all respect her and fear her.,

Li Cheng thought as he put a blanket at his sleeping empress.,

Admiring her sleeping angelic face before he went to where the preparation is going on and as he walk though the courtyard he saw Feng Yun with the wolves, who's playfully running away from the man who's supposed to bathe them, as the empress is going to bring them for her schedule tomorrow.

He let them be and proceed to where his women are.

and as soon as he reach the place he almost regretted that he offered his empress a nap than joining him to check on the preparation.

The concubines cant agree with each other as everyone have their own opinion, at how the trials played out..

as of what they'll make the new girl in the palace do, how to get her in their favor, till they started fighting about the table layout, dress color code, what type of linen to be used etc. on the actual wedding day.

which as far as I've known isn't included in their task... I just watched them for a few more minutes, observing their behavior behind my back and comparing it when their in my presence.

which disappointed him as the second pass.. till he cant take it anymore and make his presence known that they've all behave as a well mannered ladies.

then they all begun to ask his opinion about their ideas that made him held up with his next schedule on his list.

and at this point his cursing all of his father's officials for convincing his father to bestow their daughters to him for posperity.

He also find his concubine Jen Sho's true face as she kept her facade on whenever his around., but let her true face show when his not looking..

And for some reason he started to doubt his actions towards the lady back then as he knew his own personality too well., that he wont fall for a woman like her that madly.

he took note of it that he'll appoint someone to investigate the past and find the truth.

but before that he'll have to guide his concubines to plan for the trials to match his empress expectations for the crown princess.

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