Is it really Love?

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As soon as the empress left the banquet hall, everyone finally can breath normally.

They don't know that their controlling their breaths for 30 minutes as to not make a sound, sending the attention of the lions to them .

While the two ladies that been running around while being chased by the lions are now passed out and was taken by the physicians.

"Your majesty you can't let this keep up! The empress is taking a hold of power of the empire!"

"Your majesty please reconsider! She's a tyrant!"

"Please your majesty the empire will be better off with out her!"

Everyone put up their opinions all at once.

But the thing is the emperor is in his own space thinking how he'll make his move on his empress.

"Feng Yun, do you think my brother already fell for sister in law?" Jun Meng asked as he observed her brothers action

"It's hard to say your highness, cause our empress can do hold a grudge for a long while till she's satisfied with their misery" Feng Yun answered sweat dropping at how he view the empress

"Her cruel personality do fit the tittle she's holding, though our dear emperor will be having a hard time if he did fall for that woman" Gou Shi stated massaging his temple as the empress give him two more patient to deal with.

With in their circle of friends his the most busiest one aside from the emperor, since there are just some people who kept barking at the wrong tree, and the empress isn't having their actions with minimum damage.

So in total he have to deal with some traumatised, bruised, and sometimes hanging by a thread patients cause of the empress scheme,

But the thing is the patients didn't know who's the culprit even it's so obvious, and as he examined them Guo Shi found out that she pressed accurately their acupuncture points for short term memory loss.

"I guess it's back to work for me." Guo Shi said dragging himself to his own battle station.

"Call me odd but I like sister in law this way, at least we know how terrifying it is to cross her path, best of luck for my dear brother" Jun Meng said with satisfactory in his voice, knowing that his brother is going to have a hard time.

At first they all didn't approve of Kim Li being the empress out of her stupid whim and just to get millitary power from the general, knowing that their friend is in love with someone else. Plus the said rumours of how badly the said woman behave.

Though as time goes by little by little they proved that rumors are only rumors, cause the empress behave is much worse than the angle and devil combined.

"But in your opinion your highness, is his majesty really falling for the empress? Is it really love?" Feng Yun asked the prince uncertain as he remembered the look of his friend while the empress is giving the audience a show.

"Maybe, and even if it is love for my brother, I'm not so sure if my sister-in-law would reciprocate his feelings" Jun Meng replied

"I guess his majesty has a lot of work to do." Feng Yun sighs as he watches how the emperor calms his subjects as they still keep complaining about how unruly his wife is.

Weeks have passed and the events that happened in the banquet hall reach the other side of the land.

And some of them wanted to take down the power hungry empress and save the emperor.,

Some actually acknowledged her work and instantly asked for an alliance for the years to come.

But problems of the heart soon came to rise.,

having the empress being stubborn about her own feelings and the emperor's overflowing sudden emotion towards the the said woman he used to hate.

They put up with each others fate that just to be entangled by their paths they choose.


Sorry for the long wait guys, got caught up with my new environment, and from adjusting with everything..

Thanks for all the readers who got interested in this story, hope you all keep supporting me by hitting that vote button.

I love you guys <3

I'll keep in touch and hope i can update more chapters when i got the chance.

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