Cold Palace Inspection

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I opened my eyes as the sun rays hit my face.

Weird I haven't have a nice dream for a while and what I've dreamed last night was this worlds Kim Li Ching's memories.

I stood up as I inspect the room I'm in and made me sweat dropped


I didn't expect it like this last night but really has no one ever cleaned this place?

it was in this total dirty state full of spider webs, thick layer of dusts messed up furnitures and wholes on the roof


"Argh...It already irritated my nose. Might was well search for some cleaning materials"

I decided to go outside and check if there's a well here or some shed that store the materials I needed to clean this place up

But as I walk around I saw a pond which is full of life despite the state the whole place in


I thought smiling as I found a temporary ticket eating three times a day

I walk further looking for a well till I started singing 'A whole new world'

I have nurtured some abilities as a young lady before I entered the army at eighteen

Since a lot of since a lot of mothers acquaintance would brag about their daughter's capabilities at their usual tea parties

And mother doesn't want to be looked down so she persuaded me to learn the piano, guitar, ballet, and do vocal trainings

I also learned how to cook , baked and ice skate thanks from watching anime titled food wars and Yuri on ice when when I was young that mother supported as long as I learn everything to heart

Which I did at the age of seventeen


May thoughts were interrupted as I heard someone is whimpering in pain

As I got curious of the sound that I followed it still humming the song,
till I reach another rundown section of this cold palace

And there I saw two full grown adult wolves who's looming around protectively on it's child who's whimpering., which I think it's just worried for its parents as both adults are wounded

The male wolf growled warning me not to go near them

But I'm still taken aback at how calm they are as I'm a potential person that might hurt them

"Don't worry I'm not gonna harm you., if your willing to come with me. I'll tend on your wounds and keep you warm and fed"

I reach out my hand waiting for them to respond.,

Either way If they didn't come with me to the main room of this palace then I'll just have to deliver some foods to them till they got better

But I was surprised when I felt a soft fur brushing between my fingers as the female wolf came to respond as their pup run towards me also doing the same with my other hand while it's wagging it's tail

"Thank you for trusting me.. now let's get you guys in the main room"

I gently pick up the pup as it got comfortable in my arms. I also let the adult wolves see that their pup is comfortable in my arms and I won't harm it on any means.

They followed me though the room where I first woke up and I placed the pup on the bed

"You guys can settle here for now, I'll get us some food. Okay" I said smiling at the male wolf as I pat the female one before heading out once more

Well I didn't expect that I thought stretching my arms as I walked out

As for now my only option of a meal is those fish and the birds that soar the sky.

I picked up some stones and with my previous life accuracy I knocked down two birds which I hit on it's head

This would be enough for those wolves since A-Jin will be bringing me lunch

I head back inside to cook this birds, I looked everywhere for a knife but all I can find is a decoration sword which is still sharp enough to cut the birds in pieces

I also use the broken furnitures to start a fire and since I'm not really in the mood for a long processed cooking so I just sprinkled some Salt on it after I plucked all its feathers and roast it above the fire

I left it for a while as I wait for A-Jin at the entrance of this place and on cue she arrive with an old fashioned lunch box

"I'm sorry miss this is all that I would get from the kitchen"

Her eyes is tearing, also felt sorry for my steed

"It's fine, you did your best to help me A-Jin and I'm great full for that"  I said patting her head

She's too young for physical labor but none the less., she's making it look so easy

as she have a mature yet innocent look in her eyes

"Miss your too kind. Sob.. sob  you don't deserve to be treated this way! Why can't anyone see that your way better than any concubine in this palace" she said as I covered her mouth

"Hush your thoughts A-Jin, it's already dangerous for you to bring me food and if someone other than me could hear you could be sentenced to death by those bitches" I said sternly as she is still too young to die

It's common knowledge to all in my previous time that as a servant they can't voice out their resentment towards to the one in power

Her eyes darkened and face paled as she remembered that fact.,

Specially walls have ears and gossips can soar high and low

"Don't worry., if anything happens to you this consort would no longer stand by to watch." I said taking my hand off of her mouth

"Thank you sob..miss.. if there's anything you need can tell me and I'd get it for you"

" you're such a nice girl.. well I need some change of clothes and some blankets.. if you could bring it later this day it would be nice" I said as she just nod her head

"I better get going miss I promise to bring them to you before dusk"

She run further and further till I can't see her figure anymore.

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