Woke up and alive

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In a kingdom, far from where she was used to. She woke up and the first thing she saw was the scattered table ware across the floor along with the dirt and dust that soil the food.

She looked around and assessed her surrounding out of habit, cause as a soldier she needed to be alert and perspective as much as possible.

"Wa..it! I'm alive?" She said shocked as she looked over her body frantically

As she felt no pain, felt no numbness and saw no blood.

She's lieutenant Kim Li Ching under General Li Ching's special ranger platoon. Who got caught in a crossfire with barrage of gun shots piercing through her skin as she died in a honorable way laying her life to save 13 human trafficked children.

'With that injury there's only death that awaits me, but aside that I don't have any wounds nor felt any pain I'm currently laying at a dusty floor waring a traditional dirty Chinese outfit.' She thought as she stood up dusting herself as she scan the place

"Where am I?" She asked no one in particular as she roam the room but when she reach the dusty old bed inside the room she suddenly felt nauseous, her head felt heavy as her body seemed to shiver from the slightest wind from the window.

"What's happening!" She said frantically figuring out what just happened to her body but suddenly she passed out on the bed as the dust on it scattered with the wind.

"It's too dark here...hey! I know someone is there! I can feel your presence! Come out and give me an explanation!"

I kept repeating that over and over again I know that someone is watching my every move from a far.

I can feel it's presence but I only saw darkness from where I am.,

"Help...!" Someone yelled it's came from all four direction

"Where are you?" I asked still at lost in this darkness

"Your highness I'm begging you I'm innocent... please help me!" I heard once more but there's no one responding to her calls.

And Your highness? What is this ancient civilization where kings and queens governed?

As a soldier, I may not be updated with the recent movie released

but really? Asking help and begging your innocent yourself to the judge in the court will end you up in Prison.

Believe it or not, they only seek logic and evidence. And if you can't present that properly then your a total goner.

A little while later after that call I hear a chilling voice that gave me goosebumps all over. As the next voice that said "Drag her to the cold palace and let her reflect from her mistake and pray to all the previous emperor's this lifetime" it was said in a really angered and cold tone

as I can imagine that person gritting his/her teeth to suppress from hurting the one who's calling for help

Then suddenly I saw a small white dot blinking like an SOS signal in a pitch Black Forest

And with that I didn't hesitate to run towards the light as it gradually grew brighter till it engulfed me that made me stop running as I shielded my eyes with my arm

As I closed my eyes cause of the brightness I suddenly saw some clips of what happened to this girl

She was caged, bullied, humiliated and when she though she can finally escape her step mother's claws by marrying the emperor as his consort in accordance to the edict of the previous emperor to honor her fathers hard work at keeping the kingdom safe all these years ..,

but with only a month passed when she was married she was constantly been framed by the emperors concubine.

While the emperor did everything to punish her as he thought that this girl is. Spy that was sent by her father to keep an eye on him.

Then she ended up in the cold palace as her only loyal maid would bring her scarps of food stolen from the kitchen which she greatly appreciate it.

But one day the servant of the highest concubine gave this girl a full meal with meat and desserts that became her last supper as the put poisoned on everything in that tray that killed the girl in a heartbeat.,

She's a little bit of a fool to accept something from the one who kept framing her up.

but I won't blame her as this little girl is this a child in the age of fifteen that's been loved and cherished by her father and elder brother. Who's at the boarder right now. She's still innocent even though she's experiencing the cruelty of this world she kept her heart as pure as it could be for a child in her age.

She's admirable and honorably compassionate. She have this kindness that can't compare to anyone except for her deceased mother.

She road the streets and help the weak to the best of her abilities..

But the rumors about her outside where the opposite from what she really is, as No one know the face of the fist miss born and rumored to be the favored daughter of the Southern Marques Chen which is the General Li Chen

And with that someone took it as their advantage and spread the rumors that this girl is a selfish favored brat that always make a mess inside the household, making it hard for the servants and her family

Which a total lie that they fabricated that if repeated by different perspective that can be considered believable.,

'Hyst.. I'm sorry girl for what you have suffered but even we have the same name I can't avenge you on the spot.

yes what they did to you is wrong and it's rather enough reason for this soldier to take action, but with my limited knowledge of the rules here. I might just put myself in my own grave. '

'I'm not gonna promise but I'll try my best to bring those people down ten times much painful as they did to you.'

I thought as I was engulfed by the darkness once more

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