Princess Down Fall

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In the very next morning a shadow guard reported to her chamber along with the papers to back it up making Kim Li smiled in delight as she scan the papers from embezzelment to human trafficking and just sheer cruelty. Anf that made Kim Li's day and instructed her shadow guards to keep an eye to every person involved and have them attend the meeting that'll be happening in three days time.

The princess changed the day of the meeting as she resond out that some of her officials and advisors are not in the vicinity. And thats the perfect time for Kim Li to prepare her plans.

On the first day Gou Shi and Eunuch Fon atteneded to her as they help her in the kitchen making large ammount of healthy and herbal food for the people who's starving outside the palace, some of the servants appreciate what they're doing and help out by distributing it to the people outside as the three just observe in silence keeping the peace while the volunteers distribute the food.

The second day Kim Li roam around the whole area on a horse while taking notes as of what more they can do to improve the economy of the kingdom without affecting the people too much by the sudden change.

She also took note the things that they suffer the most, and on how to actually overcome the problem.
She looked all around till the sun sets as she rack her brain for solutions to the problem.

While with Li Cheng he is making it too obvios that he knew that he fucked up. Everything wan't according to his plan and to top it off Kim Li is excepionally pissed. He knew that this won't take long for her to blow out some steam that she can be satisfied with and that makes him really uncomfortable as he is somewhat entangled in the situation.

He kept the princess company as Eunuch Fon adviced him to give the empress some time seperated from the princess to cool off or everything will blow out on him. and with that He doesn't much have a choice.

The past two days his just been assissting the princess with tea time and small talks. And the awaited negotiation finally arrived. With Kim Li prepared and Li Cheng scared.

Kim Li's POV

We were all seated at the round table no one want's to break the silence and everyone seemed to be so tense specially Li Cheng, the other kingdoms officials are a bit late than us which we've been waiting for three days already and if they didn't come forth I'm ending this shit with a war wheather they like it or not.

They don't have the right to treat us this way! We are still in a higher position than them, and this little princess is annoying me too much as if she's so sure that she'll be this idiot's wife soon enough replacing me from my tittle.

Don't get me wrong I can build my own empire if I wanted to but that'll be a lot of paperwork so I'll pass, besides where could you find some awsome followers who's capable enouh to bring down a small kingdom?

I trust Gou Shi and the rest so I don't know if I could find someone better than them with out starting from scratch.

"Princess mind telling us where are your ministers and officials?" I asked irritated for the very long wait

"Servant you don't have the right to ask." she respond glaring at me

"Ok! that does it!" I said as i slammed the table hard enough for it to make a loud sound.

"Kim Li, lets just calm down" Li Cheng tried to calm me down but it ended up me being more irritated

"And Now your taking her side? What! have you fallen for her and want her to be your wife now?" I spat without thinking as Gou Shi and Eunuch Fon just kept silent not wanting to get in between one of our fights.

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