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quick question: how do you guys feel about a relationship with female characters in this book?

! characters do not attend school in this book!


shiganshina city.

the city were you were born and raised.

you knew almost everyone there, and everyone knows you. in fact, you were quite well known in shiganshina, with a good following of 20k on your socials.

some knew you, for good things. others....for bad things. like, being poison.

poison- a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed.

"y/n? i heard p/n's like poison."


"yeah, like, p/n dates people, gets them madly in love, and breaks their hearts! some people y/n's dated a long time ago, are still not over p/n."

it wasn't completely false though, you did tend to get with people for fun, not really being serious about it. but, you didn't know how many of those people would actually like you.

for you, they were just one-day flings.


"y/n, i got your coffee!" your friend, connie said while walking into your bedroom.

he lived right next door in your apartment complex, so he was there everyday. he even had a pair of clothes in your house for how often he was there.

"thanks, connie." you said, getting up from you bed and walking over to where he stood by the door

"did you hear about the party mikasa's throwing tonight ?"

mikasa. another well known person in shiganshina, along with her boyfriend eren jeager.

"nope, why? you wanna go?"

connie scoffed, "hell yeah i wanna go."

"yeah, but make sure not to knock over an entire table full of drinks this time." you said laughing, walking over to your closet.

"listen, i tripped over somethin'. it wasn't my fault."

you held up two shirts in your hand, "which one?"

connie pointed to the one you held on the left. "that one."

"good choice."

was mikasa rich or something?

her house was huge, you noticed there was a pool in the back with rainbow lights besides it, music was blaring from speakers and people were everywhere. outside and inside.

connie hung his arm over your shoulder, "i hear armin's going to be here."

you looked at him, confused. "who the hell is armin?"

"armin arlert? y/n, how are you going to be in shiganshina but don't know who that is?"

"dunno," you shrugged.

"surprised you haven't hooked up with him yet."

you playfully slapped connie's hand, causing him to yelp.

"okay! i'm sorry! but, armin is basically another version of you but, worse. he sleeps with almost anyone he finds attractive, and if i'm being honest i've seen multiple girls post him for valentine's day. it's like you, but instead of you not meaning to make the other person fall in love, armin is actually aware of it."

"holy shit," you said, looking around the party. "do you think you see him?"

connie peered above the crowd, looking for any sign of this 'armin' he was talking about.

after looking multiple times, he spotted him. sitting with his legs up on a half-circle couch with other people.

armin arlert.

he had an industrial ear piercing, his fingers shining with black rings. there was some tattoo on his neck, but from a distance you really couldn't tell what it was.

"over there!" connie pointed.

you almost fell over when you saw him, if connie didn't tell you what armin did, you would've been one of those people he played. definitely.

"oh my god," you whispered, watching as he talked to the people besides him. "yeah..no wonder why he's so known."

connie nodded besides you, his hand on your shoulder. "i think you can pull him, honestly."

"i know, let me get a closer look."

armin was in the midst of a conversation with a friend until something caught his eye. someone walking close to where he sat.

you. walking past, with someone by your side.

he sat up, to take a better look. armin watched as you walk past the couch, his eyes not leaving you. setting down the drink in his hand, he turned to eren, who he was talking to.

"eren, who's that?

"y/n, why?" eren said, following the direction of armin's gaze.

"lord have mercy," armin sighed, shaking his head.

eren laughed, tapping someone else who was sitting besides armin on the shoulder. "jean, armin was staring at y/n!"

jean leaned over armin's shoulder, pointing at where you stood. "you know what people say y/n's like right?"

"what're you talking about?"

"like poison. i'm guessing you understand what i mean by that, right?" jean gave a pat armin's back, continuing his conversation with eren.

like poison huh?

but, you're not the only one.


i don't like this chapter just bear with me yall

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