𝟮𝟱|𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝘆𝗲

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mentions of cigarettes!!


first chapter of gojo fic is out !!

the week started over again, and you went back to work. it was hot today, the temperature at low 90's and rising.

you were in a tank top with the ac blasting, multiple fans on around the office. people waiting to get tattooed were fanning themselves, trying to cool themselves down.

"y/n! can you take the next person? i'm going on break." you coworker annie said, taking her hair out from its usual bun.

"mhm, also can you take over for me on wednesday?"

"you're not going to be here?"

"no, i have somewhere to be. plus, wednesday is a less busier day. i'll repay you."

annie rolled her eyes then shrugged.

"so...yes or no?"

"fine," she groaned, heading towards the break room.

you went back to the front desk, looking at the list of names. someone named reiner was next. that name sounded familiar.

"uh, reiner?" you called out, watching as a tall man with short cut blonde hair approaching the counter. he looked nervous.

"follow me."

you led him to an empty room, motioning him to sit on the chair. walking over to the table you prepared what you needed. it was silent at first, not much interaction.

"how long have you been doing this?" reiner suddenly asked.

your back was still turned, and you didn't bother turning around. "you don't trust me?"

"well, i didn't say that..." reiner said, his tone of voice growing more nervous.

"i was joking,"

you pushed a little cart with the tool you needed over to where he sat, sitting on the stool next to the larger chair. "do you have an idea or picture of what you want?"

he nodded, showing you a picture of what he wanted on his phone. a complicated one, but you could get it done. it was pretty big too.

"ohh, that's a cool one. where do you want it? i personally recommend to get something like that on your back, but wherever you want is fine too."

"my arm, bicep specifically." reiner pulled up his sleeve to show specifically where he wanted it. he had big arms, his biceps nicely sculpted.

"alright then reiner, relax."


a few more appointments came by, the day grew hotter by the minute. connie passed by and dropped off something for you and annie to eat, stood around and talked a bit.

it was about 9 at night now, you were closing up, locking the back door. the night was definitely cooler, it was refreshing. stars dotted the sky, and the moon was full tonight.

you got into your car, fastening your seatbelt and starting it up. just as you were about to back out the parking lot, your phone rang in your back pocket.

it was eren.

he doesn't call you, why is he calling now?


'well someone doesn't sound excited.'

"well you never called me before, what is it?"

'um well...i might seem like a bad person for this. armin being my friend and all...'

you didn't reply, waiting for what eren was about to say. armin was with someone else? told eren something you wouldn't want to hear? all the different possibilities raced through your mind.

'armin has been leaving unexpectedly lately. like he's sneaking around....i don't wanna jump to conclusions but you should probably keep an eye on him, y/n. don't just, jump in. fuck, i hate myself for this.'

you sighed, rubbing your eyes.

'im sorry, i'm not trying to discourage you or anything.'

"no, thank you, eren."

'don't think it's anything bad yet, you guys are good together. armin is happier.'

you didn't know how to feel, really. what could eren mean? what could armin possible be doing? is it really something you should be worried about?

"i'll see how everything goes. he makes me happy too."

'okay. i hope it's not anything bad...have a goodnight.'

"goodnight eren."

he hung up, leaving you in the drivers seat of your car. you leaned back in your seat, trying to compose yourself. you were angry, upset, confused all at the same time.

a knock on your passenger window startled you. turning to see who could be at the window, you were relieved to see it was just annie.

"annie. you scared me," you said, rolling down the window.


"what's the matter?"

"can you give me a ride? someone was supposed to pick me up but they never showed. i've been waiting for two hours." she said, clearly annoyed.

"of course, get in."

annie opened the door, putting out the cigarette she had between her fingers before she got in.

"just direct me where to go." you said, starting to pull out the parking lot.

the ride was mostly silent, until you thought of something. maybe you should ask annie for advice. she was way more reasonable, thought logically, and was smart.

"can i ask you for some advice annie?" you asked, looking over at her.

"as long as it's not about relationships,"


she laughed, "i'll make an exception for you."

"okay well, uh, me and this guy are into each other right. it's obvious. i'm supposed to go somewhere with him soon but he's known for
messing around a lot..."

"so he's like, a player?"

you nodded, "yeah. his friend just let me know that he's been sneaking around lately. but he and i both don't want to jump to conclusions. i like him a lot though. i don't know why, knowing who he is. it's something about him. he's different to me."

"do you think he feels the same about you?"

you shrugged.

annie rolled her eyes, "it's armin, right? y/n, he feels the same. i've seen the way he looks at you. he definitely feels the same. so, i'm saying don't give up on him but don't get too attached. keep your eye on him. armin though, he definitely is serious about you."

you were too interested in annie's words that you didn't even realize you were at her house already.

"okay. thank you, annie. seriously. i'll repay you for tonight and wednesday."

"you better."

you laughed, waving as she walked up to the door of her house. "i'll see you tomorrow!"

eren and annie both said similar things,

"keep an eye on him.'

and that's what you'll do.


DIRTBAG|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 ➪Where stories live. Discover now