𝟬𝟴|𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄

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today was your date with armin, he saw it more as hanging out at shinganshina restaurant. but, you saw it as a date.

"are you sure you don't want me to watch you guys from a distance?" connie asked, fixing up your outfit.

"i'm fine, connie." you said popping a stick of gum into your mouth. "armin should be here soon."

connie opened the front door and pushed you out, "okay! have fun!" he waved.

armin was supposed to be picking you up, he was an hour late. you wouldn't have been surprised if he was fucking a girl before he realized he had to pick you up.

you were waiting outside for at least 15 minutes before a black sports car rolled into the parking lot.

"this yours?" you asked, running your fingertips against the side.

the passenger window rolled down, and armin opened up the door for you.

"nah, my parents. my mom's a lawyer, my dad's a scientist. but they barely use this car anyways." armin looked at you, "you gonna get in or what?"

during a strangely talkative drive, you noticed that armin looked like he rushed to pick you up. the color of his shirt was wrinkled, he smoothed out stray hairs in the mirror once in a while. you noticed he had a couple of purplish blotches on his neck, you thought to yourself. not surprising, anyways.

armin pulled into a drive-thru movie theater, multiple cars pulled into the lot. the concession stand was busy. "you've been here before?" you asked armin, who was pulling into an empty spot.

"yeah, couple times. i come here with eren and throw fake bugs at people. we got kicked out a couple times too."


"yea, all the time."

you both laughed, a few people shushed you two.

armin got out blankets and placed them in the back, while you quickly went over and grabbed snacks from the concession stand.

"look," armin whispered pulling out a ziploc bag of fake bugs.

"you're kidding."

"it's either this or we can throw them in front of the projector."

you laughed, sitting down next to armin.

he threw a fly shaped one at a group of people nearby, they all shrieked and flailed around.

you and armin held in your laughs by shoving popcorn into your mouths, trying to avoid each other's gaze.

"here, you throw one." armin said, handing you a cockroach shaped one.

you launched it over to a group of middle-schoolers who yelled and dispersed.

"you're good." armin said in between laughs.

you and armin messed with more people trying to watch the movie, while talking more about yourselves in between. he told you about what he worked as, his interests, and things. you told him how you worked as a tattoo artist, he said he would come by one day.

there was a comfortable silence for a bit, until armin's hand made it's way to your leg. he scooted closer to you. he leaned in closer to you, messing with the collar of your shirt.

"trying to watch the movie, armin." you whispered.

"we both know why you asked to hang out though, right?" armin asked, confused. he set the edge of his shirt down.

"oh, so this is what you wanted this whole time?" you asked, your voice raised a little catching the attention of others.

"i mean people always want to-"

"don't finish," you stood, collecting your things. "see you another time."

armin didn't even make an effort to try and stop you, he just watched as you walked off. so, you didn't want to hook up with him. he was sort of, surprised since that's what most people want from him anyways. something wanted him to go after you so badly, but he didn't.

did you want him for him?

you speed walked your way through the lines of cars, texting connie to pick you up.

as you stood you thought about what connie said.

'he sleeps with almost anyone he finds attractive, and if i'm being honest i've seen multiple girls post him for valentine's day. it's like you, but instead of you not meaning to make the other person fall in love, armin is actually aware of it.'


dawg i might take a break from this book to write studying you 2 i'm stuck fr

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