𝟭𝟬|𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿

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pieck sent you off with some extra treats, for you and connie. it was raining and there you were standing with no umbrella, just a hood that probably wouldn't do much.

you sighed, holding the box of confections closer to you. your car was parked way down the street, so by the time you got there you would probably be soaked.

water splashed against your shoes as you walked, your sleeves already damp.

you were about to just run for it, and sprint to your car until the rain suddenly stopped. the only thing was, the rain still fell in front of you.

looking up, you saw a black umbrella. only with armin holding it over you. "hey."

you looked at him, then looking side to side. "hey..?"

he stared at you for a little bit, like he was hypnotized. "i saw you, uh, walking in the rain. so i-"

"so you followed me here to hold an umbrella over my head?"

"well you made it sound creepy," armin looked away. it was kind of funny, he put on this whole different persona around other people. but here he was more awkward.

"it kind of is."

"listen, i just didn't want you or that food getting wet. i can walk you to your car, if you want."

you shrugged, it was better than getting wet.

you started walking down the street, armin following behind you holding the umbrella over your head.

the only noise was the sound of the rain falling onto the concrete and cars passing by.

"this is my car," you said, walking over to the driver's side. "thanks."

armin nodded, "no problem."

you were about to shut the car door, until armin stopped you.

"hey, y/n. i know you could've taken what i said the wrong way. but, you know people usually want to hang out to fuck. i thought that's what you wanted. so, yeah. i'm sorry. can we like, start over?"

maybe you should've let armin explain himself that night. you looked at him, then to the ground. he wanted you to say yes, so badly. you knew by the way he watched you.


a smile immediately formed on his face, "okay! see you later."

"see you!" you said, getting into your car and driving off.

armin watched as you drove off, shaking his head as he caught himself smiling.

he knew he was in for it. drinking poison always has side effects.

DIRTBAG|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 ➪Where stories live. Discover now