𝟮𝟭|𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝘂𝗯

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try to catch the foreshadowing challenge!!
song at •

mentions of intoxication (not done by reader) !!!

sasha led you and armin to a secluded part of the backyard, it was fenced off and led to a hot tub. there were lights around that part too.

the rest of the group was already there, talking about whatever and having drinks.

"oh! y/n, you're here. i was about to come look for you." connie said, moving over a bit so you had space to climb in next to him. armin got in besides eren. connie whispered in your ear, "tell me what happened later."

"okay!" sasha clapped her hands together, "we're all here."

"what're you planning sasha?" jean groaned.

"just a game of truth or dare."

"we're not kids," armin said.

"so? truth or dare is fun!" she pointed at jean, "you're the first. truth or dare?"


"already? okay. i dare you to..." she looked around a little, her eyes falling onto a bucket of ice water in the corner of the fenced area. "pour that bucket of ice water on your head."

"easy!" he quickly jumped out of the hot tub, grabbed the bucket and tilted it over his head, the ice falling to the ground and he yelled from the freezing cold.

jean jumped back into the hot tub, shivering.

sasha was laughing, so was connie who looked like he was about to pass out from laughing so hard.

"okay! next is y/n!" she said, still trying to catch her breath."

"i'm not even next to jean! why me next?"

"because i have a good one for you.
truth or dare, y/n?"

"truth." and

"hm... is it true that you and mikasa had something before?"

you looked around, everyone staring at you, waiting for an answer. eren specifically.

"yes, i'm not going to lie. not for long though, and i don't hold a grudge against her and it was during when her and eren weren't on good terms."

"is it true, mikasa?" sasha asked.

she folded her arms, nodding. "i don't have a problem with y/n, though."

you looked at her, "really?"


eren looked confused and kept looking back at mikasa and back to you.

"well uh, armin, you're next." sasha pointed at him.

"truth or dare?"

he thought for a bit, "dare."

sasha laughed, nudging connie "armin, i dare you to..." she looked around, and stared right at you. "lick lime juice off of someone here."


"anyone." she said, passing him the lime that was in her drink.

armin looked around. not eren, that would
be weird. jean...no. sasha...that would be weird too. connie....no, he would probably record it or something. definitely not mikasa. only option was you.

"y/n, lay back."

everyone else in the tub whispered, and you heard some laughing from eren and jean.

DIRTBAG|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 ➪Where stories live. Discover now