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nothing happened with connie all platonic

this book and parties is a signature the whole book is a party so there's a lot of parties

you woke up with connie besides you, sleeping peacefully and his chest rising and falling.

rubbing your eyes, you sat up and looked at the time on your phone.

11:54 am.

no texts from armin like usual.

you shuffled towards the kitchen, looking through the cabinets.

footsteps from your room came quickly after, and connie slumped onto the chair at the counter. "why're you up?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"hungry. you can go back to sleep," you said.

"nah, i have to go see someone later." connie said, stretching his arms. "also, do you want to go to pieck's to get something to eat?"

you glanced at the time again, you weren't really in the mood to go out or grocery shopping. "i don't really feel like going out."

connie groaned, "are you going to let armin ruin your whole life?!"

"he's not ruining my life."

"seems like it. but, i'll see if she can deliver or something."

"i'm just upset, i'll be fine."

he looked up from his phone quickly, "oh really?"

"yeah! you know what, what's the next party? i'll go to it."

he smiled and clapped his hands together, "okay so, reiner's party friday?"

you got startled from the mention of the name, "how do you know him?"

"y/n, i know everybody."

"fine, i'll go."

armin stared down at the half empty bowl of cereal in front of him, his mind filled with millions of thoughts.




he jolted up, looking to see eren standing at the other side of the counter. "hm?"

"your cereal's getting soggy."

"oh," armin picked up the spoon, poking the soggy cereal around.

it was 11:54 am.

eren sighed, sitting next to him. "what're you thinking about?"

"nothing, just tired."

"armin, seriously?"

"it's y/n..." he mumbled.

"knew it." eren said.

"i can't stop thinking about p/n eren."

"well, did you start thinking about what you're going to do to prove to y/n that your feelings are real?"

armin shook his head.

"so what're you still doing here sulking? i'll give you some ideas, and consider the ones you like."

"eren this is stupid-"

"you won't think it's stupid once it works, so listen to me."

"alright, fine. tell me."

"trust me, this is going to make y/n come
back as fast as p/n left."

armin gave a glare to eren, "that wasn't funny."

eren laughed, "i thought it was pretty funny."

short & boring chapter

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