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"i'm going out to get groceries!" armin called from the door.

there was no response from eren or jean as usual, but armin didn't mind.

what did he need? eggs, milk, juice, snacks...and something else he couldn't remember. whatever, it would come to him later.

he got into his car pulling out his keys, but, he dropped them.

armin sighed and leaned over to pick them up when he realized there was another glint of light that caught his eye.

it was a bracelet. a bracelet that you wore the night floch sent you that video. you must've dropped it without noticing, armin thought you were probably looking for it.

he noticed the bracelet around your wrist that night too, it looked good with your hand and the color of the jewelry went well with your complexion.

maybe he would bring it to you and use it as a chance to talk to you. he would show up at your door, and hand it to you and ask to talk.

after he went to the store, though.


"have a nice day!" the cashier smiled, handing armin change. just as he was about to walk out the doors, he remembered what else he needed.

sodas. that's what he couldn't remember.

"i'm sorry, i forgot one thing could i go get it?" he said. the cashier nodded, and armin quickly went to the 'soft drinks' aisle.

he was looking through the shelves trying to see what soda eren and jean would want for that week.

"hello again armin," someone said as they quickly continued to walk by.

armin turned, and it was floch.

his mood changed quickly, "you following me?"

floch shook his head, "nope. but, how're you lately? how's you and y/n?"

armin glared at him, "shut the fuck up floch."

"what? i'm just asking a question! i knew you guys had something-"

"you know what you did."

he shrugged, "was trying to help y/n."

"help p/n how?! i was just tutoring that girl, and you made it seem like it was something bigger than that!"

floch scoffed, "oh c'mon, like you weren't there for something more? you're armin."

"i wasn't, me and y/n were.."

"you don't even know what you guys were."

"i do."

floch looked off to the side, "well, i helped y/n before you could hurt p/n any further."

"i wasn't going to hurt y/n, are you stupid? you don't know anything that happened between us before you ruined it. you did it because you're a jealous piece of shit and still stuck on y/n. you went through all of that, just for p/n to not come back to you anyways."

floch shrugged again, "m'kay. just doing my part. see you soon."

armin could feel himself getting angrier by the second, his knuckles turning white from gripping the grocery bag in one hand so hard. he reminded himself he was in the middle of a grocery store, he couldn't really do anything.

he watched floch walk down the aisle and turn around the corner. armin grabbed his sodas and walked off.

now, he was at your place. your bracelet in one hand, and a candy bar in the other.

armin stood at your door, holding his fist up to the door before knocking. he was actually nervous.

you would most liked be upset with the fact he was there, maybe even shut the door on his face. whatever, he wanted to give you your bracelet back.

he knocked. there was shuffling on the other side and the low mumble of voices.

"who is it?" you called.

armin calmed at the sound of your voice, he missed it so much.

he didn't respond to you though, he feared that you wouldn't open the door at all if you knew who it was.

the door did end up opening a bit, and you peeked out.

your eyes went from confused, shocked, and disgust. you opened the door wider.

"what do you want?!"

armin scratched the back of his head, "you uh, forgot your bracelet in my car before." he held it out towards you.

your eyes softened and you quickly grabbed it, relieved. you thought you had lost the bracelet, and it was your favorite that you had for a long time.

"i also got you a little something, just in case you wanted it." armin held out the candy bar.

you took the candy and mumbled a thank you.

he nodded, smiling.

the door quickly shut, the click of the locks followed quickly after.

armin was glad he saw you for a little, you looked like you were doing better than him. he missed you so much, he started to think maybe he should've kept the bracelet.

he would try to talk to you another time, he needed to get the milk in the fridge.


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