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"so what happened to not caring?" connie said on the other line of your phone.

you were pacing around your living room, with your phone to your ear. "fuck that, we made up."

"what? he gave you a story for you to feel bad for him?"

"no! well, kind of. i don't know what it was. but he told me he thought i just wanted to fuck and-"

a call interrupted you.

"hold on connie, i'll call you back."

it was armin who called.


"hey," armin said, he sounded like he was nervous. "i have a question."

"i'm listening." you stopped pacing, and sat down.

"i wanted to make it up to you, for last time. do you want to maybe, hang out? it'll be a surprise."

you were silent for a bit, smiling to yourself. armin, on the other hand, was sweating. why were you taking so long to answer?

"sure, i'll go. when?"

armin let out a breath of relief. he couldn't believe it. you had him nervous and shaking, when no one else did. "later today at 4. dress comfortably."

"i'll be waiting for you here."

"and i'll be there. see you."

the call ended, and you immediately texted connie.

y/n: armin just asked me to hang out with him later

there was banging at your door minutes later and connie came in, "y/n, don't say i didn't tell you."

you were standing outside your apartment, waiting for armin to pick you up. connie helped you get dressed, gave you advice, and what to do. although,you really didn't listen.

he pulled up in that fancy car of his, stopping right in front of where you stood. he rolled down the windows, "you look nice."

"thanks, you look decent."


you laughed at his reaction, "i'm kidding."

armin leaned over and opened the door, inviting you in. on your seat, there was a bag of candy.

"oh, this is for you." armin said, handing the bag over to you.

"thank you! i hate this candy, but thanks."

"are you kidding? everyone loves this."

you laughed, getting into the car and looking into the overhead mirror. you started to fix yourself up a little bit. armin noticed, he got so distracted that he almost swerved.

minutes later, armin pulled into the parking lot of a roller skating rink.

he opened doors for you, and paid for your shoes.

the inside was dark and lit up with only neon leds. in the middle was a huge rink, and not too far was a concession stand. there was also laser tag in other rooms,  an escape room and an arcade.

you sat down next to armin and started to put on the skates. "i haven't been here in so long! last time i came, i was with connie. he fell on his head so hard he got a concussion."

armin laughed, then went serious. "wait, is he okay?"

"yeah he's okay!"

you stood, armin standing aswell.

"shit!" armin grabbed you as he lost balance, "you know how to do this?" armin asked you.

"i've done this lots of times," you led him onto the rink, "i would've thought that you would know how to roller skate at least a bit before bringing me here..."

armin looked away in embarrassment. if anyone he knew saw him like this, holding onto your hands and trying not the fall over, he would never hear the end of it.

"here, let me teach you."

you taught him how to balance and slide around a bit, he got the hang of it soon enough. he almost fell a couple of times, well, a lot of times.

soon, you were rolling around the rink with him, watching other people slip. and trying to hold back laughs when they did.

armin wasn't as bad as people sounded him to be. at least, to you.

after putting away your skates, you and armin were sitting at the tables by the concession stand.

"so, you and mikasa." armin asked out of nowhere, in the middle of you eating.

"what're you talking about?"

"i've known her since i was a kid. i know what happened." he looked at you with a sly smile on his face.

"it was just a one time thing, really. she likes that eren guy. guess i was a distraction, i don't know. i don't really care, anymore."

armin just nodded, "i get it." he took a fry from you, "she's a good person though. don't get all mixed up. her and eren are like, perfect for each other. she just needed someone to take her mind off him for a while."

"what happened? did they argue?"

"yeah, a big argument. that's not my business to tell, though." he took another few fries, "anyways,"

"anyways, you're going to get me more fries."

he laughed, "figured."

it was 10 when you and armin left the rink, you two shared songs and listened to them on the way home, playfully criticizing each other's tastes.

soon, he pulled up in front of your apartment.

"i still think i have a better playlist than you." armin said, a playful tone on his voice.

you stopped before getting out of the car,"you're lying to yourself. and, thanks for inviting me. it was fun,"

"call me anytime. i'll pick you up." armin said,

"that's if you're not with any other date."

a smile appeared on his face, "you thought this was a date?"

"well, you paid for everything, and bought me a gift, picked me up, dropping me off...is that not a date?"

"right, right. a date."

you got out of the car, leaning down to speak through the window, "i'll see you later, armin."

"see you. let's hang out again soon." then, he drove off.

armin smiled to himself, the thought of you lingering in his mind.

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