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you woke up to connie shaking you violently.

"wake up y/n! i have a huge fucking problem!"

you groaned, throwing the blanket over your head and turning around. there was no way connie was serious right now.

"i'm serious y/n, help me!"

"what is so important?!"

"i have a date later and it's a fancy one! i don't have anything fancy, and it's in 4 hours! can you come to the mall with me or something? you don't even have to do anything!" connie pleaded, basically on his knees at the edge of your bed.

"what time is it right now?"


you groaned again. "give me 15 minutes."

"fine, hurry."

you sat up, and walked over to your bathroom. stopping before you went in. "wait, if i go will you go to the music store with me?"

"for what?"

"i need a new amplifier, for the electric guitar. the one i have is garbage."

connie scoffed, "you haven't used that thing in like months. you can still play?"

"uh-huh. i'll try it out when i get the amplifier."

"armin! eren and i are going to the mall, you coming?" jean yelled from the front door, slipping on his shoes.

"nope, i'm already going out." armin said, coming out of his room.



jean shrugged at eren, watching armin close the door behind him. "should i let him go or..."

"nah, let him go."
connie had already found an outfit for his date, but swore he needed more clothes. so you were being dragged along, picking out clothes for him and holding what he wanted.

it was only 2pm, and connie convinced himself 2 hours was e rough to get ready. even though, you knew he takes forever.

it got to a certain point though. you swore you were on the verge of collapsing, connie dragged you through what felt like the entire mall. "jesus, connie. you go in this store and i'll wait out here."

connie laughed, "weak."

you rubbed your leg, wincing. you took a sip from the half empty soda you were drinking from and looked around.

people were walking back and forth, talking amongst themselves, holding bags in their hands and arms.

but among those people, you saw familiar faces.

jean and eren were walking through the mall, two bags in each of their hands. they were talking about stupid stuff, until eren quickly stopped his rambling and looked over at you.

"hey...jean. look." he pointed over towards you discreetly.

"that's y/n! damn, i knew we should've brought armin!"

eren nodded, "yeah- hey, stop staring."

"it's not for the wrong reason, trust me. i'm just thinking."

"wow! for the first time!"


jean snapped his fingers, "c'mere." he whispered something into eren's ear, making him shake his head.

"nope! i'm not doing that. that's just weird."

"why?! we can speed up this process a little, see how y/n feels about armin...tell him...maybe that will motivate him to do something interesting."

"maybe he wants to take it slow."

jean scoffed, "armin? that's funny."

"jean, this is stupid."

"you're coming anyways." jean dragging eren by the arm. they were both equal in strength, but jean's grip was tight. to others, they looked like a mother dragging along a child throwing a tantrum.

"we shouldn't do this. armin will be so mad!" eren said, looking over to you sitting by the store.

"he won't be mad if y/n doesn't tell him! trust me, armin will thank us."

jean walked over to you, with eren right behind him.

"hey, you're y/n right? like the only person in shiganshina that does actual good tattoos?"

you looked up from your phone to look at them, eren looked like he wanted to run away and take jean with him.

"um, yeah. i guess. but, i do piercings too."

"can i have a dick piercing?" jean laughed, you did too.

he stopped immediately after, looking you dead in the eyes. "wait do you actually do those?"

"no i do not."

"oh." he cleared his throat, "anyways, you know armin, right?"

"uhm, yeah. i'm sorry, but what are you trying to do here?" you sat up, confused.

"so," jean sat next to you, leaning close to your ear, his voice dropping to a whisper. "what do you think about armin? would you...go out with him? you think he's cute or something?"

"did he make you do this?"

"no! no! please don't think that, i'm just curious."

"why are you curious?" you asked jean, your voice raising a little.

"jean." eren said from the spot where he stood, motioning for jean to come over to him.

"hey uh, don't tell armin we did this. matter of fact, forget this happened. here," he pulled a 10 dollar bill from his pocket and shoved it into your hand. "buy a pretzel or something, just don't tell him!" was what he said before eren dragged him away.

"what was that..." connie said, walking out of the store with two bags just as eren and jean were walking away.

"i'll explain while we go get some pretzels."

thanks to
for the idea for reader playing the electric guitar!!!

feel free to send your ideas !!!

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