𝟯𝟳|𝗻𝗼 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿

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sunlight shone, the air was warm, birds were chirping and you could hear the busy streets outside.

you could also smell something being cooked.

you rubbed your eyes and looked to your side, armin laying there. he was facing towards you, still sleeping.

he looked basically angelic with the sunlight hitting his face, making his face look like it was glowing and making his hair and eyelashes look brighter.

"armin," you whispered, slightly shaking him.

"hm?" he mumbled, eyes opening just a bit. the sunlight must be blinding him.

"i think eren or jean made something, you hungry?"

"in a bit," he wrapped his arm around you pulling you close to him. "stay for a little."

"but i'm hungry."

"just a little. you're warm."

you sighed, pulling the blanket over you. "okay, five minutes."


you closed your eyes for a second, taking in the warmth of armin's body against yours. you almost fall asleep because it's so comfortable.

armin's hands rubbed your back and arms, slowly. you heard nothing but his soft breathing and the low voices of whoever was in the kitchen.

it's probably been five minutes.

"armin, five is up." you moved the hair out of his face, placing light kisses on his face.

was he in heaven?

armin thought he was.

you were kissing his face, sunlight on you. your touch made him feel warmer every second. he didn't want to get up.

no other person could make him feel this comfortable.

"fine," he groaned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes slowly. he must've smelled whatever was cooking too, because his eyes widened a little. "i think eren made something."

"that's why i sitting here trying to wake you up for so long!"

armin got up quickly and pulled a t-shirt over his head, grabbed your arm and dragged you towards the kitchen.

jean was sitting at the counter, eren standing at the stove.

they didn't know you were here though.

jean dropped his fork dramatically, staring at you. eren turned around at this, also stopping to stare at you.

there you stood for a few seconds, staring at each other in silence.

armin cleared his throat, "um, eren, jean. y/n stayed over and when you guys came into my room last night, p/n was asleep."

"in your bed?" jean said.

armin nodded. "didn't want to make p/n sleep on the couch."

eren laughed, going back to what he was doing.

jean sighed, turning back to his plate.

"sit down y/n, i'll get you something."

you made your way to the counter, sitting next to jean. he side-eyed you, immediately typing on his phone and looking away once you looked back at him.

"so, armin, about yesterday." eren said, handing him two plates.

oh right.

armin didn't talk to eren or jean that night, he only asked for you.

"what about last night?" armin mumbled, handing you one of the plates in his hand.

eren could cook pretty well if he was given instructions.

"well, you left out of nowhere. didn't want to talk to us either."

you could feel the tension between the three, they still had unanswered questions and were probably confused.

"can we talk about this later?" armin said, glancing at you and looking back at eren.

he shrugged.

all of you sat in silence, eating breakfast. not even you and armin said anything to each other, only occasionally he would give you a reassuring look.

finally, armin finished eating and put his plate in the sink. he walked over to you and kissed your cheek, "i'm gonna go shower. you can go in my room if you want."

you nodded, continuing to eat in silence.

your phone rang, you quickly grabbed it and w quickly went to armin's room.

it was connie.

you realized you haven't texted or called since last night, he was probably wondering why you weren't home by now.


"where are you y/n?! you've been out for way too long!" connie yelled into the phone.

"connie, i'm fine. i'll tell you everything when i get home, which should be soon."

"fine, but you better hurry."

"i will." you hung up, turning back around to
go back to the kitchen.

"y/n," eren was standing by the front door, with jean next to him.

"can we talk to you real fast?"

boring chapter

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