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"morning pretty."

your eyes shot open, you woke up to see armin standing over you. you rubbed your eyes, looking up at him with a dirty look.

"what? we have to go on our vacation!" he said,
leaning in for a kiss.

you turned your head, "morning breath armin."

"you think i care? give me a kiss," he leaned in again, kissing you.

"how did you get in anyways?" you asked

"connie let me in. but, get up and get ready!" he threw a pillow in your face.


you had got dressed and packed everything into the car, said goodbye to connie and made sure to give him your key to keep.

armin brought you to breakfast too, did some last minute shopping, and hanging out.

by the time you actually started to head to your hotel it was around 3pm.

wherever armin wanted to bring you was 4 hours away, he didn't let you drive at all throughout the trip.

when you guys did arrive, you were in awe.

the hotel was huge, pretty lights and valet parking. there was a doorman and a velvet carpet
leading to the rotating doors.

"oh my god armin this is amazing!"

"i know i just have such good taste."

a sign in the parking lot caught armin's attention.

Motorcycle Rentals

"y/n, look!" he pointed to the sign.

"what? it's just motorcycles."

armin smiled, forgetting that he never told you that he knew how to ride. "let's check in."

you guys took your bags from the car and brought them into the hotel. someone came down and brought them to your room for you.

armin grabbed your hand. "y/n, come outside."

"we didn't even get into our room yet armin, it's

"c'mon! real quick."

you sighed, letting armin lead you outside to the parking lot where the motorcycles were.

he went up the guy leaning against one, "i'd like to rent a motorcycle please."

"120 for an hour." the guy grumbled, armin handed him the cash.

he rolled the motorcycle over to armin, and two helmets.

"you know how to ride, armin?"

"yeah, i never told you right?"

you shook your head no, your feelings towards armin growing even more since he can literally ride a motorcycle.

he got on, grabbing the helmet that hung on the side. "i'll do a test run, then come back and get you."

•armin took off his sweater and handed it to you, kissing you on the forehead and motioning for you to back away. "stand under the light, if anything happens go inside." he glanced at his phone, "give me five minutes."

you nodded, watching as he revved up the motorcycle. it was louder than you thought.
"don't go to fast! be careful." you yelled, and armin smiled at you one last time before putting
the helmet on.

it was black and shiny, fit armin perfectly. he waved one last time at you before driving off , the sound of the motorcycle getting lower as he drove further and further away.

you waited on the sidewalk, looking down at your
phone over and over again. the time was going by pretty fast.

soon, armin came back around. he lifted the eye cover on the helmet, his eyes were bright and he had the biggest smile on his face.

"y/n! you have to ride! here, helmet." he handed you the other helmet, the same one as him. he put it over your head carefully, securing it.

"don't go too fast!" you said, getting on behind armin.

"what's the point if we don't go fast? you'll be okay, i promise. just hold onto me the whole time." armin said, scooting forward to make room for you.

he began to rev up the bike. the sound of engine muffled due to the helmet. you squeezed him
tight, armin laughed to himself.

finally, he drove off. it was a shock to you at first how fast you were going. it was exhilarating at the same time.

the night was beautiful.

moon was full and bright, stars twinkling in contrast to the dark sky. the streets were empty, it was like it was just you and armin in the world together.

you held on tight, your arms wrapped around armin's waist and your head leaning against his back. the wind felt amazing against your skin, it seemed like the world was just passing you by.

it was just you and armin.


you hoped it stayed like this forever.


sorry for the long ass break

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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