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armin woke up exhausted. he was up late the night before, running errands and buying groceries for his apartment so him, eren and jean wouldn't start living off noodles and soda.

he got carried away though.

after picking up groceries, armin got a call from a friend of his telling him to come by. of course, armin's not the type to miss out on a good party. he went by but didn't plan on staying long. but he lost track of time. ended up drinking. the last thing he remembered was laying on his friend's couch and closing his eyes.

he now woke up in his bed, a pounding headache, still in the clothes from last night. he felt like shit.

armin sat up, rubbing his eyes and sighing.

was he supposed to do something today?

there was knock on his door. "armin?" eren's voice.

"come in."

eren opened the door slowly, peeking inside. "you're awake. i thought you would sleep in."

armin shook his head.

"you should sleep more," eren walked over to him, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"no, i'm already up. what even happened last night?"

"well, uh. you passed out on reiner's couch, he called me and asked me to pick you up because obviously you couldn't drive."

armin sighed again, rubbing his head. "i don't even know why that happened..."

"don't worry about it, you need anything?"

"i'm alright. i'm just thinking what i had to do today..."

eren thought for a bit, looking up like he was actually thinking. armin knew he wasn't.

"it's fine eren-"

"oh! don't you have to tutor that girl today?"

so eren was thinking.

"shit, yeah." armin groaned and fell back onto his bed. he really didn't feel like getting up, especially to tutor some girl his age that wanted to pass summer college classes.

"you don't have to go you know. you have to learn how to cancel on people armin," eren said.

"i promised her i would...what time is it anyways?"



armin ended up being late to the tutoring that was supposed to happen at one. he quickly cleaned himself up, basically running out the door and to where he was supposed to be.

he arrived about an hour late, scrambling to find the apartment number. he did end up finding the floor, seeing someone familiar standing at the end of the hall.

floch. he was standing outside the apartments, a drink in a hand and his phone in the other. "hey armin."

armin turned around slowly, sighing when he saw floch leaning against the wall looking at him.

"what do you want?"

"nothing, nothing. just saying hi."

"mhm." armin stared back up at the door, turning back to floch again. "we're not cool, by the way."

he nodded and held up his hands in defeat.

finally, the door opened with the girl he's supposed to tutor standing there. "hey, armin! come in, i have snacks."

she looked over at floch, nodding slightly.

floch nodded back.

armin didn't notice.

"hey, sorry i'm late. didn't feel well this morning..." armin followed her in, the door closing behind them and the conversation turning muffled.

floch stood there, observing and recording.

he laughed to himself, stopping the video and started to send it to you. just as he was about to hit send, he stopped himself.

maybe not yet.

he could wait.

DIRTBAG|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 ➪Where stories live. Discover now