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mentions of alcohol

the club was small. it was open everyday, but was especially busy on weekends. usually filled with people drinking to their heart's content. it smelled like sweat and different concoctions of alcohol. how was armin sitting in here comfortably? it was hot, stuffy, and loud.

"so, did you wanna come here to see someone or..?" connie asked, his arm around your shoulder.

"nah, i wanted to have some fun."

"so you didn't come here to see armin?" connie said, holding back a laugh. he caught you staring at armin at the far end of the bar, chatting with a few girls.

"connie, shut up."

"i was right, you creep." he said hitting the side of your head lightly.

"listen, i was just bored. plus..." you looked over to a table of girls that were already eyeing connie and giggling amongst themselves. "you could enjoy yourself here too."

he whispered a tiny 'yes' and quickly went over to the table.

now, you were alone and made your way over to where armin sat. on your quick walk there, many people greeted you. even thought you barely came to this bar, people you knew you did.

you didn't approach armin directly, but you did go over and sit at a stool behind him. his back was facing you, and jean who was sitting in front of him hasnt seemed to notice you yet.

"can i get you anything?" the bartender asked you. she was average height, brown hair tied into a ponytail, with big brown eyes.

"anything, really, as long as there's no alcohol in it." you replied, making your voice as noticeable as possible.

seemed like it worked, because armin turned around.

"y/n! what're you doing here..?" he seemed nervous, like he dreaded the fact you were here.

"you always ask that, switch it up a bit." you said, staring deep into those eyes of his.

he clearly wasn't amused by your little joke, more annoyed.

"i'm here because i wanna be here, that's not a problem i hope?" the bartender slid your drink to you.

jean peeked over armin's shoulder, "not a problem at alll....trust me." he said, eyeing you.

"jean." armin said, and jean immediately sat back down.

"just wasn't expecting you here," he lowered his voice, "especially after seeing that you saw my story, of me here."

"oh please, i'm always here." you lied.

"no you're not. i'm here every weekend, never seen you around. neither has jean, or the bartender, sasha."

"come on, don't think i'm stalking you now."

"it would be pretty hard to believe that you weren't stalking me." armin said, taking a sip from the drink sitting in front of him.

"yeah? i wasn't the one who tried to 'get to know'-"

armin cut you off right there, by leaning closer to you. "don't finish your sentence." he whispered menacingly into your ear.

"what? embarrassed?" you whispered back, your hand trailing up his arm.

he ignored the question by laughing, leaning back into his seat. "what're you really here for?"

"came here with connie. to have fun."


"i'm going to the bathroom." you said, standing up.

"yeah, try to come up with a better excuse while you're in there!" armin yelled back, turning back around and he continued his convo with jean.

meanwhile, you were in the bathroom. you stared at yourself in the mirror contemplating on whether or not you should ask armin to hang out. sure, you were interested in him. he seemed interested in you. but, you knew what was known for.

fuck it, cause you know armin isn't the only one who could play that way.

you made your way back to where you sat, wrapping your arms around armin's neck.

"we could hang out tomorrow, at the restaurant? maybe watch a movie too."

you felt armin grow hot under your touch, and his breathing became shaky. "yeah...that's fine."

"cool," you took one big sip from your drink, and slid the glass back across the bar. "see you tomorrow."

you heard jean laughing at armin as you walked away from where he sat and went to get connie.

"leavingg already?" connie complained, waving at the girls as you walked him out.

"yeah, i got tired."

connie looked at you, "tell me what actually happened when we get in the car."


he laughed, nudging you.


i'm so stucckkkk on what to write

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