𝟬𝟮|𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿

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armin didn't sleep that night the day he saw you.

instead of sleeping, hs spent the whole night searching for you instagram or socials. mean, you were well-known so it shouldn't be this hard.

he checked through everyone that could possible be following you, still nothing. asking jean for help wouldn't do anything either, instead he would probably go and run his stupid mouth.

it was morning, armin had work, and he had spent the night awake.

"arminn! morning. jean and i are going to need your id for today." eren said, walking into the kitchen.


"we wanna book a hotel room. don't ask why, but i don't have my id sooo..."

"you don't look anything like me." armin said, lightly stirring the cup of coffee in front of him.

"blonde wig and fake tattoos. but, yours is kinda ugly, i don't like spiders."

"mine is cool."

"sure. just give me your id." eren held out his hand, and just as armin was about to hand it over he pulled his hand back.

"only if,"

eren groaned. "only what?! just hand over the damn thing!"

armin rested his chin in his hand, smiling at eren. "only if you help me find someone's account."

eren shrugged and sat down across from him. "okay, easy shit. who?"


eren's face turned red, his cheeks puffed out and tears started to swell in the corners of his eyes.


that was it for him. eren bust out laughing, banging the table. "i'm sorry! i'm sorry, it's just..." he bust out laughing again.

"you know what, forget it. forget using my id too." armin was just about to get up, but eren pulled him back down.

"no no! i'm sorry! i couldn't help myself." eren brushed tears of laughter off his face.

"what's so funny?!" armin asked, frustrated.

"it's funny how you're not going to listen to what jean told you the other night!"

"i don't care about what he said."

"yeah sure." eren grabbed armin's phone, "you'll care when you come back crying to jean and he'll stand over you like, 'i told you so.'"

armin rolled his eyes, tapping his fingers against the table.

"here." eren handed the phone back to armin, with your page on the screen. "now, i.d please."

well, it wasn't like he could refuse now. eren did what armin requested. "here. don't get me in trouble."

"you're the best armin!" eren cheered, before walking out the front door.

now, armin was left alone at the kitchen with his phone in hand.

'this is weird.'

'why do i care this much?'

he wanted to stop scrolling through your page so bad, but he couldn't. you looked good in your pictures, and armin couldn't help but laugh at some of the captions under your posts.

armin wanted to follow you, he did. but he would've felt strange doing it, so he didn't. even thought he kinda did want to

he was too caught up in scrolling that he accidentally double-tapped a photo from a few months back. "shit." armin cursed, it wasn't a big deal though cause he could just un-like it.

it wasn't a big deal until, his phone died.

"fuck!" armin sprinted to his room, scrambling to charge his phone. he wasn't usually the type to be caring about this stuff, what was up with him now?

"come on!"

a few minutes later, his phone turned on. when he went to unlike the picture, something caught his attention.

you followed him.

well, now he won't have to feel weird about following you back.


how you guys feel if y/n worked as a tattoo artist?

DIRTBAG|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 ➪Where stories live. Discover now