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"what you thinking about armin?" jean asked, while placing a plate of food in front of armin, who was dazed off and staring at nothing.

he shook his head, grabbing a fork besides the plate. "nothing. thanks for the breakfast."

jean sat next to armin, "i know you're thinking about something. you don't stare at nothing all the time armin."

armin nodded,"yeah well, if i told you, you would probably tell everyone you have in your contacts."

"pfft, i would not! c'mon tell me."

armin sighed before speaking, "well, i went to the library last night, to uh- just clear my mind. and-"


"i bumped into someone. y/n. we-"

"you're kidding." jean said, shaking his head. "didn't i tell you? you saw with mikasa-"

"jean. we just talked. that's it."

"sure but, just know... i saw you staring all wide-eyed at p/n. you got a crush?"

"no. definitely not. and even if i did we wouldn't work."

"mm." jean said, looking off. "anyways, wanna go to the restaurant?"

armin smiled, "oh yeah, there's a worker that interests me there."


connie flopped onto your bed next to you, "so, tell me. who'd you meet up with last night?"

"i don't know what you're talking about."

"but you do, i came back last night before you. i checked to see if you were home before i went back to my apartment, you weren't there."

"oh wow you're creepy." you said, laughing.

"not creepy! just curious."

"i just went to the library and ran into armin. he tried to get to know me and stuff." you left out the other parts, probably the most important ones.

"that's it?"

you nodded.

"you ran into armin arlert, at an empty library, and nothing happened?" he asked again, clearly he was expecting another response.

"i swear! i'm not kidding."

"alright..." connie stood, eyeing you. "i'll be next door." he walked out of your room, and when you heard the front door close you pulled your phone out from under your pillow.

you were in the middle of thinking of a conversation starter to text armin. you typed, then erased it again, typed, then erased it again.

armin was doing to same on the other side of the screen, watching your text bubbles appear and disappear again. he gave you his number last night, well, more like you gave him your number but he didn't really expect you to text him.

he wanted to text you, with a simple hi to try to make you actually send something, but he was interrupted by a girl tapping his shoulder.

you gave up on trying to text him something interesting, so you went with a simple 'hi'.

he didn't answer right away, you weren't surprised though based on the type of person armin was.

you quickly searched up his instagram, which didn't take long. all you had to do was search half of his name.

there were many pictures of him in the middle of parties holding drinks, taking pictures with his friends, him posing with girls too. he had highlights dedicated to every one of his closest friends, jean, eren, mikasa. each of them filled with videos of that person.

he had something on his story, so you went to click it. he was at a bar or something, recording jean downing three shots. armin was laughing in the background, calling for eren to watch.

you smiled watching the video, but quickly caught yourself and left his page.

"nope, nope, nope." you repeated, getting up and walking to the bathroom. you took a good look at yourself in the mirror, smiling at the thought that came into your mind.

you put on your slippers, and knocked on connie's door.

"connie! going to the bar, wanna come?"

short chapter, writers block

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