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"you're fucking joking? he only wanted to hang out so he could hookup?" connie asked, handing you a drink.

"i'm pretty sure." you said, setting the drink off to the side. "i'm not bothered though, he wasn't my type."

"are you lying?"

"about what?"

"about him being your type. you literally couldn't take your eyes off him before." he said, side-eyeing you.

"forget about it. i'm not bothered,"

connie shrugged, "okay then."

you laid back onto connie's couch, tapping through instagram stories. nobody interesting posted, except eren.

tapping on it, the first few videos was eren hanging out with mikasa. the camera flipped, and in the corner of it was a quick view of armin. it looked like he was kissing someone. eren quickly panned over it again, and you heard him laugh also in the background. that's where the video ended.

you rolled your eyes, tapping away.

"you saw the video too?" connie asked, looking over at you.

"if you're talking about the one on eren's story, then yeah."

"they definitely planned that, you can't convince me." he said.

"c'mon, i don't think he cares connie."

he looked at the time, then quickly jumped up off the couch. "shit, i have a date, y/n!" connie ran into his room and threw on a shirt and sprayed some cologne around him. "does my hair look good?"

"looks fine! good luck."

"thanks, considering i'm 20 minutes late!" he grabbed his things, "don't make a mess of my living room."

connie left, and you were left alone, again.

so, you went to one place that you knew would keep you company.

"hello my favorite customer!" pieck cheered, waving.

"hi pieck," you sat at a barstool, pieck coming up to you.

"no need to tell me what you want." she quickly went into the back, and several minutes later she came back with your favorite dish from her menu.

"here you go, made with extra care."

"thank you pieck," you said, smiling.

"so," she leaned onto the counter, "what's up? how's that boy you brought with you here than one night? everything alright?"

"nah, he's an asshole, i think. i don't care about him anymore."

she shrugged, "he seemed like one. but hey, don't worry about it. bet he's crying right now about how much he wants to see you."

you scoffed, "doubt it."

pieck laughed, "let me bring you out sometime, we can have so much fun."

"anytime you want pieck."

the bell attached to the door rang, and many voices filled the cafe. you looked over at the door, and a group of people walked in. very familiar group of people. armin, eren, mikasa, and jean. they walked in too focused on the conversation to even noticed you sitting at the counter.

"hey, you can sit at the farthest booth if you want." pieck whispered.

"i'm fine,"

you kept your eyes on your plate, paying no attention to armin or the rest of his friends. you notice how he kept glancing at you through your peripheral vision.

eren whispered something to armin, which made him look at eren with a 'shut the fuck up' kind of look.

pieck looked as if she was rushing to get them out, handing over what they ordered faster than usual.

you looked over to armin, who at the same time, decided to look over at you.

you two made eye contact, and your eyes quickly made their way back down to your plate.

after what felt like forever, they left and pieck came back over to you quickly. "god, that was unexpected."

"armin kept looking at me the whole time!"

"see! i was right, he can't stop thinking about you." she laughed, nudging your arm. "i'll be in the back! call me if you need me."

"i will!"

you thought about the way armin was looking at you, like he was nervous or something.

you didn't want to say pieck was right, because that would just make you seem like an asshole with a huge ego.

armin couldn't care less about you, or what happened, you think.


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