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the next day, mikasa told armin about what happened the night before. armin did feel a bit of anger, but it wasn't extreme. instead, he was more, interested.

mikasa wasn't upset much either, she did feel disappointed and hurt, but nothing much. she got over it in a bit.

you on the other hand, you were confused. what was the point of mikasa going on a date if she was just going to text someone else the entire time, then end up leaving early? probably to go see that person too.

whatever, you didn't care anymore.

"connie, can you order something?" you said, catching him checking himself out in the mirror.

"nah, i have a date."

"oh really? with who?" you asked, leaning against the doorframe of your bathroom.

"some girl i met at a store. she was cute, i'm cute, so we clicked." connie said, a smug look on his face.

"no fair, you're going on a bunch of dates and i'm not?"

"y/n, please, you could walk into any place and find someone to go on a date with in a short amount of time. everybody loves you."

"aww, i'm flattered."

he rolled his eyes, turning back to the mirror.

"my little confidence booster," you said, tapping the top of his head.

"alright, i'm out! don't call me." connie said, backing out of the front door.

"good luck!"

the door shut, and you were left alone. you laid on the couch, flipping through channels on the tv. nothing interesting. it was pouring outside, thunder and all. the rain pounded against the windows,lighting flashed throughout the room.

"bored, bored." you mumbled to yourself, grabbing your phone and started to text everyone you knew and asked if they wanted to hang out.

everyone replied in a few, all saying they were busy or weren't in the mood.

all places that you could go to were closed. you remembered the time where you used to sneak into the library at night with friends, sneaking peeks at the adult books, and stealing mangas only to return them the next day.

you laughed to yourself, looking up the library on maps.

'shiganshina library, ran by hanjj zoe.'
'security by levi ackerman'

the owner didn't change, you remember when you were younger when you got caught by levi. he let you off with a warning and promised if he ever caught you stealing again you would get a lifetime ban.

you didn't.

you know, now would be a good time to visit. so you did. you got up and got dressed into comfortable clothes, grabbing your keys and phone and head to your car.

the library was not too far, so you got there in a short amount of time. it was closed, only a few lights flickered inside. it was kind of scary-looking inside, especially since it was empty.

levi was probably roaming around in front, but he usually left the back window open. that was where you used to sneak in aswell.

you quickly made your way open to the surprisingly big window, hopping through it.

god, you haven't been here in a while. you took a picture of the shelves, you know, for memories.

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