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ex: "p/n is nice."
(insert pronoun of choice)

armin walked back into his apartment smiling to himself.

"who's making you smile like that armin?" jean asked, looking over to eren. they were playing a game, based on the way eren was so focused on the tv with a controller in his hands.

armin sat next to them, not answering.

"hello? he asked you something." eren said.

"i know that, i'm just not answering."

"it's y/n, right?" jean questioned, looking at armin with a smug look on his face.

armin didn't answer.

"it is! yep, because you just came back from seeing p/n. i'm guessing it went well, since you're smiling like an idiot."

"it did. i invited p/n to the party, too. also apologized and said that i got nervous when j sent the text and-"

jean jumped up in shock, "you said that!?"


"you never say that! you told y/n you got nervous? what's that about? you're never nervous!"

eren put down the controller, "hold on, armin, you actually said that?"

"yes! what's so surprising?"

"were you lying?"


"oh my god."

armin was confused, he looked at eren and jean who were both side-eyeing each other.

"what other person that you messed with made you feel nervous?" eren asked, staring armin down.

"uhm..." he thought.

kept thinking,

kept thinking,


"no one else, really."

eren and jean cheered, high-fiving. "so what?! you have a crush on y/n? a real one?" jean said, patting armin on the back.

"finally! i called it! jean, you owe me 20 dollars."

armin shook his head, "no! at least, i don't think so. i was just trying to be on good terms."

"mhm..." eren side-eyed jean, making armin wonder if that was a cue or something.

"well! maybe, at the pool party you can like, talk to p/n...do what you always do, i don't know! eren and i rooting for you."

"yeah, thanks, whatever." armin got up and went to his own room. it was funny because eren and jean shared while armin didn't. it was armin's apartment anyways.

he shut the door behind him, pulling off his shirt and laying down on his bed. he stared up at the ceiling.

something was missing.

reaching over to his nightstand, armin turned on his star projector. it was a small thing, that was pointed towards the ceiling. the light was blue, and made it look like stars and galaxy clouds were across on the ceiling. it was beautiful, he looked at it every chance he could. as stupid as it sounds, he couldn't even sleep without it.

it was only 3, so the sun outside kind of ruined it.

annoyed, armin got up and shut his curtains closed and turned off his lights. still, it wasn't as beautiful to look at.

he could wait, 5 more hours for the sun to go down.

the noise of armin's phone ringing interrupted his thinking. he reached over to grab it, and answered without even checking who it was.

"what?!" he didn't mean to come off so rude.

"wow, okay."

armin immediately regretted answering like that when he heard your voice, "y/n! sorry, i was just busy."

"i can call you back later.."

"no! it's okay. what do you need? you hungry again?"

"no, armin. i'm bored, and no one is coming in. connie had to go, so i'm just by myself. i wanna talk."

he felt his face go hot, "yeah! yeah, we can talk."

"good, because guess what happened..."

armin spent the time looking up at his star covered ceiling while listening to you on the phone, ranting about whatever happened that day. your call lasted longer than expected though. you two talked back and forth all the way until you had got home and had to shower. you never called him back for whatever reason, probably didn't feel like it.

the conversations were good, sure, the topic changed every new sentence but it was fun with armin. he was interesting, threw in some jokes. he caught himself getting nervous again when you joked back with him, your voice made him feel a certain way. a certain feeling.

a feeling that he would soon get used to.

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