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you stared at eren and jean standing by the door, registering what they said.

"yeah, sure. we can talk."

eren nodded and opened the front door, "hurry, before armin finishes showering."

you followed both of them out the door and they quietly shut it behind them.

"what do you need?" you asked, talking low.

eren sighed, "well-"

"what's up with you and armin?" jean interrupted, earning a groan from eren.

"what're you talking about?"

"you know what i'm talking about y/n."

he was right, you were acting oblivious on purpose.

you stayed silent until jean explained.

"um, first you and armin swear to never speak to each other again, you have him all messed up for days, he gets into a fight for you then we wake up with you here. i'm confused, what happened last night?"

"i helped him. after he got hurt and all. armin wanted to talk to me only for whatever reason i'm not sure of." you crossed your arms, "we made up, established our feelings for each other. he took me here last night and i stayed over."

eren cut in,"but we didn't see you when we checked on him last night."

you choked on nothing, trying to hold back a smile. "i was, really hidden under the blankets."

"okay, i'm just confused on why he didn't want to talk to us though..." jean said, glancing at eren.

eren shoved his hands in his pocket and shrugged, "we'll ask him later."

"let me know what he says." you say, and start to go back into the house.

jean stops you again. "wait,"


"are you serious about armin now?"

you looked at jean, then eren, then jean again. eren gave you a small shrug.

"of course i am."

"i don't want him acting like the way he did before, y/n. are you dedicated this time?" the time in his voice changed.

"why're you asking me this like everything that happened was my fault? i was always dedicated."

"well at first you didn't let him explain everything and just assumed shit."

"jean," eren placed his hand on his shoulder.

"like i'm in the wrong for assuming stuff? even with his reputation?"

jean raised his voice, "fuck his reputation! you would've let him explain if you really liked him."

"why are you even trying to argue with me about this? it's over, me and armin are okay now!"

"because i want my best friend to be happy."

"so you don't think i really want to be with him now?"

jean shook his head.

"you should at least try to see things from my perspective."

all three of you jumped at the sound of bathroom door opening and you were reminded that armin was inside.

he probably just got out of the shower.

"i'm going out." jean said, walking away from the apartment fast.

"my god," eren whispered. he looked at you sympathetically and placed his hand on your arm. "he'll get over it."


eren laughed and went back inside, leaving the door ajar for you the come in after.

you stayed outside for a bit, looking around and thinking about what just happened. jean had just walked off with nothing but his phone. he was probably going to wait until you left to talk to armin.

sighing, you went back inside and armin was in the living room talking to eren.

"what were you doing outside y/n?" armin asked.

"i was just talking to annie, she called me."

"hm. where's jean?"

"he went out. i don't know where." you sat in between him and eren, armin pulling you towards him.

eren got up, "i'll leave you two alone." he went to his room, closing the door behind him.

you laid against armin, his arm wrapped around you.

"i trust you, you know that?" he said, massaging your arm.

you nodded, looking up at him.

"do you trust me, y/n?"

you hesitated at first and armin's face dropped, waiting for an answer.

"i do, i do now."

he smiled, kissing your forehead. "let me bring you out tomorrow, okay? you deserve it."



"will it be somewhere fancy?"

armin laughed, "yeah, i'll make it fancy. i'll even bring my nice car."

you kissed him, his lips soft against yours.

this is what you needed.

you've always thought you had a nice life, but armin being here made it even better.

he started to tug at your shirt again, his kisses getting more desperate.

you pulled away quickly, smiling. "i need to get rewards to go home."

"why don't you spend another night?"

"i don't have clothes or things. also, i have that date with you tomorrow."

"true," he stood up, pulling you with him. "i'll drive you."

"well let's hurry, connie's going to kill me."


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