Chapter 23 Part 2

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Fuck! "What do you want Naraku?" I sighed.

"Well, I was just noting on how long you were in the birds room." Naraku smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Your point?"

"What were you doing in there?" He came closer to me.

"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with." I said as I walked away. I stretched as I walked around the shrine, hoping to get away from this annoying spider. Where was a good thick magazine when you need one or a can of raid? This spider was a nuisance.

I walked to the kitchen, grabbing a big water bottle. I took a swig of it, relishing the cold liquid going down my throat. Suddenly I felt a hand on my leg. I choked on my water and looked down at who was doing this. I found Naraku holding my leg, staring at Koga's mark. His fingers gently lingered on my marked skin. His red eyes shot up, looking underneath my yukata. A sinister smirk graced his lips. I kicked him away from me.

"Who touched Kagome?" Koga hissed.

"I see this mark belongs to that mongrel." Naraku smirked. "I thought Sesshomaru was your only mate. How is it that you have his mark as well?" He got to his feet, leaned in, enclosing me in between the counter and himself. I could feel my heart rate increase when he got closer to me. I could feel the hot breath on the back of my neck. "You've been a naughty goddess. Is this why you are sneaking off these times?" He purred in my ear, rubbing his finger against my arm. "I wonder when it will be my turn?"

"It will never be your turn." I growled as I released some of my reiki, zapping him back. I quickly dashed away from him, then ran to a nearby room. I quickly placed a barrier around it and slammed the door shut. I placed my back against the door, panting. I buried my face into my hands, trying to calm myself down.

"Kagome? Are you all right my love?" Taji asked me. My head shot up to a familiar, lovable face. I immediately leapt to my feet and ran into his arms. His body stiffened underneath me when I collided with him for a moment, then relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel my body shaking against his. I heard him take a whiff of me and his arms tightened around me. I knew then he smelled Naraku all over me. He started to rub my entire body with his arms and tails, trying to rid the spider's scent off me. "How dare he?!" Taji growled.

"I'm safe now." I buried my face into his chest. His growl died and nuzzled my neck. I flinched when I felt my body fluctuate as my session kicked back in. His breathing became erratic when he smelt my arousal. He moaned against my neck.

"Kagome. You know how to torment me, don't you?" He whispered in my ear. I smirked and leaned towards his ear.

"Why don't you do something about it?" I nipped his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.

*Lemon 🍋*

Without hesitation, he yanked the yukata off my body and his clothes as well. He scooped me up into his arms and brought me over to his bed. The coolness of his sheets sent a shiver down my spine. He leaned over me, kissing me passionately. His hands slowly going up my sides and cupped my mounds. He placed my erected nubs in between his fingers, twisting and pinching. I moaned in ecstasy as I felt myself become wet. He kissed down my jawline, down my neck and towards my breasts. He suckled and nipped at my flesh. I gasped in delight as my body arched to this new pain. It was a mixture of pain, burning and pleasure. He then kissed over to my other breast, repeating the process. I glanced down and found a bruise like mark. If I remembered correctly, this was a love bite. I was so used to actual biting, this was a whole new experience for me.

He continued to move downward, licking my skin. He swirled his tongue around my naval, sending my mind into bliss. My breath hitched for a moment as he continued down. His tongue teased the folds of my womanhood. I gasped and stopped him.

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