Chapter 18

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     I sat happily eating some rice porridge in my room. Sesshomaru was in the corner, reading some things for his work. Mizuki and my other familiars all looked like they were in a serious depression.
     "Thank you for securing a room while I was away Mizuki." I said with a smile.
     "It's killing me. I was the one here to accompany you but I couldn't even manage to come to the rescue when you were in danger or needed me." Mizuki pouted. "Oh please grind this hopeless waste of a familiar under your boot forever." He rubbed his cheek against mine.
     "Don't be overdramatic." I sighed. Also I don't want to feed that weird fetish of yours. "It was my fault for telling you guys to stay behind." I looked around the room. "Where's Tomoe? I haven't seen him since we got here."
     Mizuki stopped and froze. Sesshomaru looked up from his papers and glanced at me. I turned my attention back on Mizuki.
      "I don't know. Maybe out for a walk." Mizuki stated nervously.
     It has only been a couple of days but it felt like a month in there. Oh, shit! "Mizuki, what day of the divine assembly is this?"
     "It's uh..." he pondered.
     "It's the fourth day, Lady Kagome." Ookuninushi's voice called from behind my door. Suddenly it opened and a big burst of fog drifted into the room. I was really getting tired of these fog entrances. I coughed as I waved the smoke away. Once clear, I found Ookuninushi sitting there in his throne while two servants fanned him. "I grew tired of waiting, so I had to come to you. You did rather well to return to the great Ookuninushi one day late my little girl. Just as I expected."
     "Lord Ookuninushi." I bowed only to be stopped by my mate. My mate looked over at Ookuninushi with a cold stare, making him extremely nervous.
     "Of course," he turned his throne around so he wouldn't be caught under Sesshomaru's icy glare "I have already hear about your deeds in the netherworld, dear. In fact, the phone at my desk has been ringing off the hook with complaint after complaint."
     "I'm sorry." I apologized out of habit.
     "All is well." He said as he turned the throne back around. "And poof," the rose in his hand suddenly turned into the lucky mallet "I can't tell you how happy I am to have my missing lucky mallet returned to me. I will overlook your tardiness as a thank you. However," his eyes narrowed dangerously "Tomoe actions upon using the lucky mallet to reduce himself to a yokai were deeply reprehensible. He'll be kept in the east prison for now."
     "Leave it to me to deal with Tomoe. You must now devote yourself to the duties at the divine assembly."
      "He's in prison." My anger flared as I walked up to Ookuninushi. "Why would you want to go and put him in there?"
     "He is no longer a familiar. With the bonds of contract undone, he has reverted back to a dangerous wild fox. I can't allow him to run loose."
      I suddenly bursted out of the room, not caring about breaking the door and ran to the place where I feel Tomoe's power. I would deal with Ookuninushi later, but one of my mates was in prison and I was sure as hell I was going to get him out. I managed to pick up one of the servant bunnies and 'asked' him directions to the prison. Once I got to the place I could overhear Kotestu and Tomoe talking.
     "This breaks my heart Master Tomoe." Kotetsu whined. "To be locked away in a place like this."
     "You need not waste your sympathies on me Kotetsu." Tomoe calmly spoke. "Besides these tight bonds are sadly necessary. When I was a familiar, I was able to exercise control but I find that difficult now."
     "But what about Lady Kagome? She will be distraught to see you like this. You are her mate after all." Kotetsu said, then chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised if she destroyed this entire place to get you out."
      "Tomoe!" I called as I raced down the stairs.
     "Lady Kagome."
     "Kotetsu." I smiled happily, still holding the weeping bunny. I dropped the bunny and ran to the cell. I dropped to my knees, tears brimming my eyes with happiness just by seeing he was okay. "Lord Ookuninushi told me you were being kept in a prison. Are you okay? They haven't done anything to you, have they?"
     "Why are you here during the middle of the assembly? You're wasting your time."
     "I am not. I was seeing if my mate was okay." I growled. "Why is that too much?" Tears once again escaped my eyes, but now only out of anger and pain.
     "Tis not your business, I shall make decisions regarding my future. Allow me some time to think about becoming your familiar again, please."
      "I wasn't going to shackle you again." I screamed, the tears were just flowing like a river again. "I just..." My heart felt like it shattered. Suddenly I felt a burning sensation on my right breast where his mark was. I screamed as I hastily removed some of my yukata to check on it. I watched as it slowly faded away. My eyes widened as my already broken heart was shattered into more tiny bits. What did this mean?!
     "I see. Well, I will try to talk to Lord Ookuninushi. Maybe I can at least get you out of this place." I said in a weak voice as I stood up. I stumbled a bit, crashing into the wooden cell door.
     "Lady Kagome!" Kotetsu yelled worried. I weakly smiled and waved it off. I saw concern flash through Tomoe's eyes. But with a heavy heart, I walked up those steps and out of the prison. I fell back on the doors and slide down, weeping into my legs.
     "I've been looking every where for you Lady Kagome." A bunny servant came running up to me. "The divine assembly is about to begin." He said as he dragged my broken frame away.

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