Chapter 20

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Botanmaru and I stood there as the song slowly faded. With that, his concert had ended. I walked out with Botanmaru so I could give him a call. Pulling out my phone, I quickly dialed his number. By the second ring, a slightly breathless Kurama picked up.
"Kagome, long time no talk too." He said happily over the phone.
"Same here. I was wondering if you are free right now. I just need to talk to you." I asked, glancing at Botanmaru.
"Uh sure. Come to the civic center."
"I'm already here." I chuckled.
"Oh, well then. Give me five and then come back stage so we can talk."
"Okay, see you in five." I ended the call and placed my phone back in my pocket. "Well, I got him to meet with us. Don't know for how long though."
"Just a couple of minutes would be enough." Botanmaru smiled. "Thank you Kagome."
"No problem Botanmaru." I smiled as I walked back inside. I walked up to one of the stage crew saying that I was going to meet with Kurama. Once they heard my name, they confirmed that I wasn't one of those chaotic fans and let me pass. I knocked on his door, hearing a come in. I placed Botanmaru on the ground and then walked in with him following behind. I closed the door and then looked at Kurama. He was currently sitting upon a green couch that was filled with presents from his fans. He smiled as he sat there trying to act all charmingly.
"What's up? Your call was very unexpected. Unfortunately my evening is already spoken for."
I rolled my eyes. "I didn't come here for myself Shinjuro." At the mention of his name, he flinched and looked at me. "I brought someone who really wants to meet you."
"Botanmaru." I said sweetly as I looked down at him. I patted his head and gave him a encouraging smile. Botanmaru nervously stepped forward, staring admirably at Shinjuro.
"It really is you."
Suddenly it looked like Shinjuro was electrocuted by a lightning bolt when he stared at Botanmaru.
"Who the hell is this brat?" Shinjuro screamed. Botanmaru then got on his knees and started his greeting.
"Hello, my name is Botanmaru of Mount Kurama and you see, I've been wanting to see you for so long and now...and now that I have...I just...I wanted." Poor Botanmaru was getting flustered.
"Save it." Shinjuro said rather a little too harshly. "I don't know what you want but you better go back home before they know you are gone."
With that statement, my blood began to boil as I stared at Shinjuro. I couldn't believe that he was saying this to Botanmaru.
"Desending from the mountain is out of bounds to the premature. I bet you didn't tell anyone where you were going, did you? If you're a runaway and need a babysitter, then you definitely got the wrong guy." Shinjuro explained. "Get lost."
"Hey!" I growled, not liking this behavior.
"That's not it." Botanmaru said as he stepped closer. "I've come to bring you back home Master Shinjuro. Right now, Mount Kurama is in lots of big trouble. Ever since Master Soujoubou collasped, the mountain has been under a cloud of miasma. They think Master Jiro will be the fourth successor. But most everyone does not want him to be in charge. So every day we do up there is wait for answers." Botanmaru explained as he knelt back down on his knees. "Master Shinjuro, we need you to return to us."
"What exactly do you want me to do about it?" Shinjuro asked while rubbing the back of his neck. Botanmaru looked like he got hit bad with shock. "Come on Botanmaru." Shinjuro knelt down to his height "Here's the story kid. I got the hell out of that place over seventeen years ago. I'm just a failure. The mundane world scene is where I'm happier. Besides, down here the girls are smoking hot."
"No stop it. You're not some failure Master Shinjuro. You're actually are my role model." Botanmaru admitted, shocking poor Shinjuro. He grabbed Shinjuro's jacket. "It's because you were just like me. That's why you have to be the one to fix it." He said as he collapsed into Shinjuro's lap. Shinjuro caught him with ease.
"Botanmaru, what's the matter?" I asked, worried. I walked over next to Shinjuro's side while he stared at the poor little tengu.
"The poor little guy is too young to have come to this world." Shinjuro said as he turned Botanmaru in his arms, showing me how sick he looked. "Tengu children get their strength from Mount Kurama, so we can't send descend to the mundane world until we're adults. The mountain can't protect us here. He has taken in too much of this toxic air." Shinjuro explained. I noticed his eyes coat in anger as he stared at something. I followed his eyes and found Botanmaru's arm littered with cuts and bruises as well as old scars. Tears sprung to my eyes when I saw this. Who would do such a thing to this poor kid?
"How'd he get those scars?" I gently clasped his hand.
"They're from the lashings." Shinjuro sighed. "Oh man." I looked to him. "Well this is unexpected, I hadn't planned on going back home so soon." I could see his his eyes gloss over when he remembered his memories. "The Soujoubou's son was a target for the older brothers. All it felt like to me was a burden. I've never even had an actual conversation with my father. I've only met him a couple of times. Looking back, I didn't realize how lonely I was. Until I met Brother Suirou, I never known what general kindness was."
I placed a hand to his cheek, startling him out of his thoughts. He stared at me blankly but didn't say anything. When I knew he was okay, I turned my attention to Botanmaru. I gebtly took him from Shinjuro's arms and held onto him. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused my healing power withing Botanmaru. As the process went on, I opened my eyes to see how I was doing. All the cuts were closed, the bruises were gone and the scars disappeared. When the outside was healed, I've begun to purify the toxins from inside of him. His fever had died down but he was unconscious. Probably be for a while until we reached Mount Kurama.
After Shinjuro called his agent about canceling everything for a couple weeks due to family emergency, we all headed to the shrine. It was night time when we got there. I summoned the Night Fog Carriage and put Shinjuro and Botanmaru inside. I was about to step in when Tomoe and some of the others came up to me.
"If you want to lecture, save it. I have to go to Mount Kurama and help. There is something amiss and I'm going to stop it."
"We won't stop you." Tomoe said. "Some of us will join you."
"Alright then." I nodded. "Tomoe, Soushi, Ginji, Shippo, Hitoshi and Keiji. You'll come with me. I don't know how Sesshomaru will be knowing this." I grumbled the last part.
"Dad went with Inari to get some questions. Don't know when he will be back." Shippo explained. My heart clenched but I nodded. I looked to Mizuki and gave him a hug.
"Please take care of everyone and the shrine. I'll be back before you know it."
Mizuki nodded as everyone went inside. He waved as well as everyone else as I climbed aboard. As soon as I sat down next to the sleeping Botanmaru, the carriage took off.
"Here's the deal. I'm bringing the kid back with me. After that, I'm going to find out how the Soujoubou is doing. You can come with but I'm not promising excitement." Shinjuro stated.
"That's not what I want. I'm here in support and for help." I smiled sweetly at him.
"What a shocker to discover that you are in fact the true son of the Soujoubou. Your tengu performance was so incredibly riveting." Tomoe taunted.
"Hey, what's with inviting the emo fox boy. Why is he here?" Shinjuro seethed.
"I have pension for watching melodrama as a leisure activity." Tomoe said.
"Is that so? Here's what I think, you would be afraid I would be alone with Kagome. And you're clearly aren't cool with that idea."
"That would make sense since I'm his mate." I spoke out loud while tending to Botanmaru. "But it's more likely to supervise me." I whispered the last part.
"You're his what?" Shinjuro screamed.
"She's my mate, got a problem with it."
"But I thought Sesshomaru was her mate." Shinjuro tried to comprehend.
"He is my husband. As a goddess, I have to make a harem. Tomoe here is like the second husband while the rest are lovers. Ginji and Soushi are my lovers as well."
"Uh." Shinjuro held his head as he tried to understand this. "How can you mate with a stupid fox?"
"What?" All three of them said. I sighed as they started to argue amongst themselves.
"Will you be quiet! You will wake up Botanmaru." I hissed but wouldn't listen. I heard a whimper from Botanmaru, telling me he was waking.
"What happened?" He asked as he opened his eyes. They four of them immediately stopped fighting.
"Hey welcome back." I smiled down at Botanmaru as he sat up. "You were exhausted and passed out. But don't worry, I healed you up and your arm is looking a bit better too."
Botanmaru looked to his arm. "They're gone, but how?"
"Kagome is a natural healer thanks to her true miko abilities. She can heal almost about anything if she has enough power. If not, she has peach pills to take of the rest. You see, peach pills are the gods miracle cure. A pure panacea that remedies everything from injuries to illnesses. I do not have the faintest notion of abnormality that fell the Soujoubou but these may heal him." Tomoe explained as he handed the bottle of peach pills to the little boy.
"Fox! Is that true?" Botanmaru asked Tomoe, getting incredibly close to his face.
"Tis Master Fox, you zygote." Tomoe hissed.
Shinjuro walked over to the end of the carriage and lifted the curtain. He looked outside for a bit.
"You flew quite a lengthy distance for someone who doesn't have use of his wings." Shinjuro pointed out.
"Well, I rode a crow to get here." Botanmaru rubbed the back of his head. "I said that I wanted to bring you back but had no way to fly. So Brother Suirou helped me out and gave me one."
Shinjuro looked to Botanmaru, clearly shocked.

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