Chapter 13 Pt.1

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     Tomoe left with a blush upon his cheeks after I hugged him. I chuckled at his behavior. He was too cute. I sighed as I crawled to the edge of the bed, placing my feet on the cold wood. A shiver went down my spine as I stood up. Glaring at the wood, I thought maybe I should invest into some carpet.
     I got to my feet before anyone could help me and walked out of the room. When I got to the door that lead to the hot spring, I could smell my mate's heavenly scent. I took a deep breath and entered. He was still setting everything up for me, though he didn't have to. He looked up at me as soon as I shut the door. He softly smiled, finished what he was doing and came over towards me. He helped me strip off the bloody yukata and my undergarments, tossing them to the side and helped me over towards the shower.
     He slowly helped me wash my body, making sure all the blood was gone. I could see the inner turmoil in his golden eyes. He saw a lot of blood during his times as a feudal demon lord but he didn't like seeing mine. He could take on the world but he felt helpless when it came to me. His clawed hands worked his magic when he ran his fingers through my hair, lathering it with shampoo and then conditioner. I was envious that he did it so simply whereas I had to fight tooth and nail to get the damn knots out of my hair. I puffed my cheeks out in aggravation. His chest rumbled when he chuckled at my childish behavior.
     "Now, what's that about?" He asked, poking my cheek.
     "Nothing." I huffed.
     "You can't lie to me." He leaned in and whispered into my ear. His hot breath hitting th base of my neck, sending shivers of pleasure up my spine.
     "You're a god." I mumbled.
     "What was that?" He smirked as he doused my head with water, ridding my hair of the conditioner.
     "Now you're doing this on purpose." I narrowed my eyes at him from behind my hair. He chuckled as he finished cleaning my hair. When I came to my body, I automatically shooed him away. I wanted to do it myself and not the shower god before me. After a few minutes, I was now cleaned and relaxing in the hot spring. A sigh of contempt escaped my lips as I slowly lowered myself lower under the water.
     Behind me I could hear Sesshomaru washing up to join me in the hot spring. As I sat there I couldn't help but think about what Tsuchigumo said about Naraku being alive. No matter how I wrapped my head around this matter, I still couldn't see how he was still alive. I wished him and the existence of the jewel away. I blew bubbles in the water as I grew irritated on how I was getting more questions than answers.
Suddenly a familiar feeling enveloped my body. My eyes widened as I realized what was going to happen. But the last time that this had happened was because I was trying to stabilize my new formed powers. What was going on now? Did I exhaust my power and now it's looking for nourishment?

*Lemon 🍋*

     I grabbed ahold of my stomach as a sudden wave of desire pushed through my system. I panted as I tried to keep the overwhelming feeling at bay.
     "Mate is everything alright?" Sesshomaru asked. I looked up at him, his hair still wet and the droplets of water traced his bare skin. I wanted to go over there and lick the water right off of him. He tilted his head, his eyes showing concern. I calmly shook my head and gave him the best smile I could muster. He rose a brow at me but didn't push it any further. He lowered himself into the water next to me, a little close to me for my comfort at the moment. With him this close, he sent another wave of desire through my body. I hoped that the smell of the showering and the spring would cover the smell of my lust.
     A low growl came from beside me. I knew that he caught onto my scent. Whatever made me think I could hide it from a Inu Daiyokai. I glanced over in his direction, hiding behind my curtain of hair. I could see his eyes slightly redden as he was fighting against his inner beast.
     "Sess..." I began to only be cut off by him. He was kissing me fiercely, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. He moved from my lips, down my jawline, and then towards my neck. With his loving and swift movements, I could feel my core instantly warm and tighten. His fangs grazed across my skin above his mark. Imagine the pleasure I had before well it was ten times more powerful once he started to tease his mark upon my neck. A moan escaped my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Just with him teasing the mark almost made me come undone.
     He nipped my neck once more before kissing my collarbone and down my chest. His soft lips lingered on my hot skin with each kiss. His head moved towards my right breast while his left hand gently moved up my side. When his mouth captured my hardened nub, his left hand pinched my other while massaging my breast. I moaned again in ecstasy but I didn't notice his other hand's position until it was too late. His clawed fingers entered my hot entrance and begun to work its magic. My senses were so overwhelmed from the pleasure that I didn't know where to begin.
     His fangs grazed my hardened nub as he continued to suck on it. Everyone once in a while he would lightly clamp his teeth around it. A moan escaped me, giving him the drive to continue. His fingers slowly in a thrust repetition. My core was tightening with each thrust. He move a bit faster while adding another finger into the hole. When he added the third, I came undone and I rode hard through the orgasm. He smirked against my breast and pulled away from my body. I laid there panting, watching my mate.
     His small smirk turned into a cocky grin. I could feel his arrogance come in waves. Narrowing my eyes at him, I tried thinking of a way to get back at him. Something that would make him submit to me for once. When an idea went off in my head, I immediately acted upon it. I jumped put of the water, dragged him out and started to suck him off. Only this time I was sitting upon his stomach so he couldn't enjoy the visual. His breath hitched as his already throbbing member was inserted into my hot mouth.
     My tongue teased his head for a couple of moments before I wrapped it around his length and bobbed my head up and down. While bobbing. I turned my head in a swirling motion again with my teeth lightly grazing his member. His body stiffened underneath me. I mentally smiled at my small victory as I applied a little pressure to him with my lips. He let out a feral growl. While doing this, I tried thinking of other ways to let him enjoy this. I used one of my free hands and gently grabbed ahold of his balls. I gave them a gentle massage while I quickened the pace. His clawed hands reached for my ass, his claws slightly running acrossed my flesh. His claws then lightly dug against my skin on my back as he dragged them down. A new wave of pleasure coursed through my body.
     I yelped in surprise when his hand smacked against my bare ass. The small stinging sensation turned into pure bliss. But because I yelped, he moaned from the vibration. Wickedly smirking, I reapplied a good amount of pressure to my bobbing head and started to hum. I wasn't really sure what I was humming but this random song was getting the results that I wanted. He let out another feral growl and started to thrust into my mouth, throwing me off my pace. He was thrusting so hard that I couldn't keep up so I decided for him to be in charge. I kept my makeshift melody going as he thrusted faster. I could feel his member starting to stiffen in my mouth, telling me he was ready. But what he didn't know what I was about to do was going to be mean. What could I say pay back is a bitch! As soon as I felt him ready to go, I took my thumb and forefinger and squeezed on his shaft, preventing his orgasm. A angry growl was heard behind me but I didn't care. I wanted him to submit to me once.
     When I knew he subsided again, I started to hum again while messaging his balls. I fastened my pace and applied a good amount of pressure, making him once again come alive within my mouth. He groaned as he allowed me to control the pace. I could feel his body shivering underneath me in ecstasy. I teased his head and shaft with my tongue, working my magic. I once again felt him get really hard for release. In my mind I debated on whether or not I should do it again. I like the challenge but I didn't know how high his patience was with me. But since I wanted to try something else, I didn't want him to cum just yet. I once again did the stop-squeeze technique, earning another growl from my mate. He smack me upon my ass, slightly little harder than the last one. Mentally smiling my triumph, I waited before continuing. I got him back to a hardened state but I didn't do my usual technique. Instead, I started to lower my head down all the way. I was pushing him passed my gag reflex and into my throat. I waited for a moment before bobbing my head up and down again. I finally accomplished the deep throat. A surprised gasp came from my mate as he experienced a whole different pleasure. To make it even more sensational, I did my makeshift melody. He groaned and grabbed my ass, his claws digging in slightly. But I didn't mind.
     Submit mate. I projected my thoughts to him.
     I will never submit mate. Sesshomaru's inner voice was husky.
     I can always do that technique again. I taunted as I quickened the melody.
     You wouldn't dare.
     Oh, I would. I already faced death twice now for stopping you. I can always do it again. I snickered at him. A growl went off in my mind. When I didn't hear what I wanted, I stopped moving and humming when he was getting close. He growled with impatience.
     Fine, I submit. Just this once. He growled in my mind. With a mental victory smile and scream, I went back to moving my head and humming, this time a lot quicker and harder. A surprised gasp came from Sesshomaru seconds before he came down my throat. I didn't even register that he was that close until it was too late. His warm seed gliding down my throat. When he finished cumming, I slowly removed him from my throat and mouth and looked over my shoulder. A triumphant grin was placed upon my lips. He simply rolled his eyes at my behavior but didn't move a muscle, smiling. A sudden surge of power erupted through my body. Sighing with relief, I got off of his stomach, which I regretted because he grabbed ahold of me. He leaned me gently onto the heated stones and plunged his hardened member into my wet pussy. I gasped in surprise at his outburst. He started thrusting hard and fast, his tongue gliding up my spine. Shivers of pleasure coursed through me. His left hand cupped my left breast while the right hand fisted itself into my long hair. Strange as it sounds, I didn't hurt with the hair, it actually felt pleasant. As his quickened up the pace once more, he massaged my breast as he licked up my spine again. I moaned out his name.
     He lifted me up gently by the hair so I was sitting up straight. With elegant, precise movements, he had me up against the spring wall; thrusting into me like no tomorrow. I locked my legs around his torso while I held onto the wall for support. My breasts were pushed firmly against the wood. He suckled on my mark, making my core tighten around his shaft. He groaned against my neck as I felt both of us getting closer to our climax. He bit down on his mark again when he released; the sudden pain turned into pleasure. Just what I needed to go over the edge. Another powerful surge of power rushed through my body. He removed himself and slowly lowered me onto the ground.

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