Chapter 5

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     I leaned against the window as I stared out the window bored. Watching the rain was the only thing that was entertaining at the moment. I was stuck in class, on cleaning duty of all things. Shippo sat at his desk not to far from me, watching with an amused look. Today didn't seem like it was my day. First, I found that Sesshomaru had to leave on a business trip. Second, it was raining and I didn't even bring an umbrella. Sighing, I decided to give up.
     "You guys, check it out. It's a snake." Isobe exclaimed as he ran out of the classroom, catching Shippo's and my attention.
     "Seriously?" A girl classmate said as she followed Isobe out.
     "Dude, its's like albino." I heard Isobe say. Shippo and I ran up to the door and found Isobe and another boy poking at a white snake with brooms. The girls around the scene stared in horror.
     "We should find something to put him in." The other boy said, continuing to poke at the poor snake until they chased it into a corner. I couldn't stand by and watch this. I walked up to Isobe and placed a hand onto his back.
     "Leave it alone." I growled, making Isobe and the other boy look at me. "White snakes are said to be messengers of the gods. You guys are risking divine retribution." I pushed passed them and grabbed ahold the snake by the head. It's body softly curling around my arm. The boys cringed and backed away as I approached them to the open window.
     "Ah, she's touching a snake." Isobe whined.I placed my arm out the window and the snake, carefully uncoiling from my arm, landed on the ground. The snake looked back at me with happiness in its green eyes.
     "There," I smiled down at it. "get home. This isn't a safe place for you." The snake looked at me once more before slithering back into the bushes. I smiled as I watched it go.
     "Hey Kagome, you might want to check to see if you hand is okay." Isobe said to me. Rolling my eyes at his words, I looked down at the place where the snake was. He was right, there was in fact a small bruise where the snake was. But what caught me off guard was the white intricate line with dots in the middle of the bruise. It kind of looked like a cute bracelet.


*After school*

     "Welcome home, Lady Kagome, Master Shippo." Onikiri and Kotetsu said with a cheery voice. "We have missed you."
     "It's good to be home." I softly smiled down at them. I looked around for one annoying fox, who happened to be nowhere in sight. "Where's Tomoe?" I asked the sprites.
     "Preparing you a lovely evening meal." Kotetsu explained as he pointed towards the kitchen. Sighing, I went to my room and placed down my book bag. I stretched as I made my way to the kitchen. Once I got there, I could see him elegantly chopping up a daikon radish. Then placed it into the soup as well as some shitake mushrooms. I mentally cringed at the sight of mushrooms but I needed them for my body. I happily smiled at the back of his head.
     "Hey Tomoe, it smells good in here."
     "Thank you." He said while tasting the soup. Suddenly he flinched and walked over to me, grabbing ahold of my arm. "What is this?"
     "I believe it what us mortals call an arm." I stated as he continued to stare at it.
     "Not that you bumbling idiot." He seethed and stared closer at my wrist. "Have you seen your arm? Where did this mark come from?"
     "Yes I have, but I picked up a snake at school. Though, I don't know why the mark is still here."
     "On the contrary, the snake left its mark of favor." Tomoe glared at the white bracelet upon my wrist as he explained this, his amethyst eyes somewhat calm. "To put in simple terms, it means it's chosen you to become its wife."
     I stared at the mark in shock.
     "He did what?" Shippo and I exclaimed.
     "I think you heard me." Tomoe snickered as he suddenly came close to my face. A small smile gracing his lips and his eyes in a questioning manner. "What I want to know is how did you become so affectionate with a snake in question?"
     "I only saved it from Isobe and the other boys who were attacking the poor thing with brooms. I didn't see the harm in saving the poor creature."
     "A white snake wanders into the school and is attacked. Then you stepped in and rescued it from harm, how heroic." I heard the sarcasm in Tomoe's voice.
     If he was going to be like that, might as well as say something to put him on edge. I thought as a small wicked smile came onto my lips. "I wish you could have seen him. He was beautiful."
     "Well, he will be coming for you soon, so I'll be able to catch a glimpse before you go."
     "Oh good then you could... wait coming for me?" I shouted, not meaning to. Well this came back and bit me in the ass.
     Tomoe looked over at me, anger coating his face. In this position, he kind of reminded me of Inuyasha. I mentally saddened at the thought.
I haven't seen my friend in so long. I wonder how he is doing. I thought to myself.
     "Correct! Your heedlessness resulted your betrothal to a snake." He said with anger before looking ahead. "No need to worry," the anger in his voice disappeared and a caring tone replaced it "I will not allow anyone to lay a finger or scale on you."
     A glooming aura casted upon him as he looked like to be in thinking. Knowing the sly fox, he is probably worrying about his reputation.
     "Oh will you relax Tomoe. It's honestly not the first time someone has said I was betrothed to them." I chuckled, thinking back at some perverted demons, but mainly Koga.
     "Are you thinking about Koga momma?" Shippo leaned forward, trying to look at me in the eye. A smirk graced my lips as I nodded at him.

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