Chapter 4

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     I woke up with a smile upon my face, I felt happier than ever. I stretched and looked to my side, Sesshomaru was still clinging onto me. His chest rose and fell in a peaceful manor as he soundlessly slept beside me. Looking at him now, I was still envious on how handsome he was even while he slept.
     "You know it's not polite to stare at people as they sleep."
     "Who me? I did no such thing." I acted innocently. He rolled his eyes at me before pulling me into a deep embrace. "You know as much as I love you and what you are doing, I need to pee and then I have to practice my divine powers. And didn't you say you had a meeting today?"
     "Don't remind me." He grumbled as he buried his face into my side. I rolled my eyes at his childness. I poked him in his face a couple of times, didn't work. Then I tried moving him a couple of times, didn't work. The last thing I did was blow on his ear, making him flinch and release, allowing me to run off to use the bathroom.


     After breakfast, I was out back behind the shrine trying to use my divine powers. Clenching the ink brush between my nose and lips, I continued to focus on the white talisman in front of me saying bloom. I could see that the trees were almost to a full bloom. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I sighed, still playing with the ink brush while I heard Tomoe instruct Shippo on what to do around the shrine.
     In the corner of my eye, I could see Tomoe scolding Shippo because he did something improper. Shippo put on an half smirk grin while rubbing the back of his neck. It was actually pretty weird seeing Shippo in shrine familiar garbs. I chuckled, while shaking my head and continued to focus on the talisman before me.
     "Excuse me goddess!" A small voice called out to me. I looked up to see a Jarvis sparrow flapping in front of me with a ceremonial hat upon its head. It landed gracefully in front of me. "I come to you with a message. A message very dear to princess Himemiko. Later this evening, Himemiko of the swamp will visit Mikage shrine to pay her respects to you the new lady goddess of the land."
     Princess Himemiko?! I smiled to myself. "Okay thank you. I will happily see her this evening." I bowed my head to the sparrow. It happily smiled before taking into the air and flying away. I sighed as I stretched. "Might as well pack up, not getting much done here."
     I got to my feet and carefully picked everything up, and headed back to the shrine. Tomoe immediately stopped his lecture once I passed. I could feel his and Shippo's gazes upon me.


*At school*

     I sat quietly looking out the window. I could hear Isobe trying to get a rise out of me but Shippo wouldn't allow him to. Sighing, I sat back into my seat and looked ahead. It was currently study hall but no one really studied in this class.
     "Kurama, what do you plan on doing today?" I heard one of the girls gush. I could feel my stomach flip at this. I scoffed in disgust and looked to Shippo.
     "You okay?" He asked.
     "Yeah, just thinking about tonight. We are having a special guest over."
     "We are? Who is it?"
     "An old friend of ours."
     "Koga?" Shippo raised an eyebrow.
     "No! Gods I can only imagine if he showed up." I rubbed my temples as an incoming headache start to form from thinking about it.
     "Sōten?" Shippo asked with a blush upon his cheeks. I smiled and leaned over towards him.
     "Ah, is that a blush I see? Are you smitten with the young thunder demon?" I whispered to him. His cheeks turned a darker red. I nodded my head with approval. "I see. You have my blessing." I smiled.
     "Momma!" Shippo whispered in embarrassment. "Knock it off."
     "Alright, alright." I chuckled before I turned serious. "Lady Himemiko is coming over tonight. She wants to pay her respects. Did you know she is now the princess of the swamp?" I inquired.
     "Really?" Shippo eyes widened. "Wow, how time flies. Did you tell Tomoe?"
     "That annoying fox," I huffed "no, I haven't. I could only here the lecture about how I shouldn't attend, knowing him."
     "Well, I can help you." Shippo offered.
     "Will I be able to actually go into the kitchen? We all know Tomoe and his territory."
     "He hasn't even tasted your cooking. You were the best when we traveled and you still are. I can't see why he can't relax once in a while." Shippo folded his arms across his chest.
     "Try telling him that." I laughed as the bell rang for lunch.
     "Ah, lunch time already!" Shippo glanced at the clock. "I have a feeling Sesshomaru and Tomoe will make their appearance."
     "Don't curse me." I chuckled as I stood up. "Want to head to the roof for piece and quiet?"
     "Sure." He smiled as he pushed out of his seat. He helped me up and we both headed out into the hallway. When we reached the stairs for the roof, I could feel a familiar presence behind me. "Momma, that tengu is following us."
     "I figured." I sighed. "Just leave him be."
     Once on the roof, I walked over to the edge and stared at the view of Tokyo. My eyes softened in sadness as I imagined the area back in the feudal era. I was so peaceful then. A soft hand gently wiped something off my cheek. I turned to Shippo who had a warming smile.
     "I'm fine Shippo." I sniffed and wiped the rest of the tears away. "I just miss everyone. Can you tell me what I missed?"
     "Well, Inuyasha went on his way, traveling with Kikyo. No surprise there." Shippo shrugged at our friends behavior, earning me a chuckle. "Sango and Miroku got married. They settled down at the Demon Slayers village and had a family of ten. They trained all of their children the ways of demon slaying as well as spiritual powers if they had any. Kaede took in Rin and taught her how to interact with humans, of course I stayed with her and Kaede. Rin became the new village priestess when Kaede passed." He paused, I could hear the pain lacing his voice. I couldn't blame him, he looked to Kaede as a grandmother. "Kohaku and Rin married and had kids of their own. Within a hundred years, the demon Slayer village was flourishing. Thankfully with Sango's and Miroku's ideals they didn't hunt indiscriminately anymore. It also helped that Pappa and I visited occasionally. I have some pictures for you, I had a feeling you would want some. I'll have Pappa bring them home."
     "Thank you Shippo." I weakly smiled, I could feel my tears trying to escape again. "So what happened to Koga?"
     "Still mateless but he became a well known demon throughout the lands. He still is the leader of the wolf tribe."
     "Is Ginta and Hakkaku still suffering the wrath of their leader?" I smirked and looked over to him, who which bursted out laughing.
     "They haven't had a peaceful day in their life. But that's them."
     "Well it seems like everything is back to normal."
     "Oh, I also have to tell you that Pappa did something wonderful."
     "I can imagine."
     "You don't understand momma. You know that island that the hanyōs lived. Well, he protected it until it came up for sell a hundred years ago. He bought it and the children are all well."
     "I might have to invite them over." I softly smiled. "And I must thank your father."
     "Thank me for what." Sesshomaru's voice came from my right. I turned my head and saw him landing gracefully on the roof top.
     "You know you can cause heart attacks with you flying around like that." I huffed. He just shrugged and came over to us. He pulled me into a hug, inhaling my scent. "Thank you for helping Hōrai Island and the children who lived there."
     "Anything for you mate." Sesshomaru whispered in my ear. "It seems that you have an admirer."
     "I know." I smiled and pecked his lips before turning towards the roof door. "You can come out Kurama. No need for hiding."

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